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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. "Brewcey, with this grand ambition you are spoiling us!" Cabbage faced twat.
  2. More likely just to full up a wheelie bin with a hosepipe and chuck a few ice cubes in for good measure. Here's a regular of the board demonstrating it to good effect
  3. It'll be a shite game to watch, no matter the score.
  4. Cunts of a feather flock together
  5. https://www.football365.com/news/premier-league-winners-losers-bruno-fernandes-newcastle
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51602655 Not as flat as his body is now
  7. Funny how it's always bang average\shit players that defend bang average\shit managers
  8. Still, at least Brewcey gave us a wave.
  9. Aye, he's probably self employed and works from home on his Jack Jones
  10. Need to take a leaf out of Al's book to sort these fuckers out imo.
  11. And one World Cup, never forget that!
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