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Everything posted by Sonatine

  1. Going by the state of that, I'm pretty sure it was a Spanish Granny that crafted the fucker in the first place.
  2. I always get him and Danny Murphy mixed up, although tbf they are both clueless weapons.
  3. Aye, musicals aren't my bag but that was fucking good
  4. Hamilton is on Disney+ as of today, might watch it and see what all the fuss was about tonight.
  5. He's got to be a Mag on the wind up, surely?
  6. No great surprise to see that little oik Grimes nodding along with doddering old Starkey
  7. Think that's why it stuck in my head for some reason, he was pretty ok for the most part. Not the first person to have some kind of breakdown on social media I guess
  8. He was OK iirc up until all that takeover talk last year, just before Rafa left. Think he was on some work trip to China and was totally out of the loop on all the rumours, seemed to lost the plot shortly after that.
  9. I'm sure that Shadow Cabal of Tyneside Businessmen could afford to buy it. Could even get the ghost of Jimmy Hill to do the renaming ceremony.
  10. With a touch of a young Roy Keane thrown in. Not that Keane ever looked young, but you know what I mean.
  11. I've got 22 years on him, and with a touch of the old Just For Men hair dye I'd still look younger. Haggard looking fucker.
  12. Well, they do say you get the face you deserve....
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