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Everything posted by ADP

  1. she's gash. edit: as in lacking musical/lyrical validity. Not the other gash. she isn't that.
  2. what's the mackem game been like anyone?
  3. This man is a gem of newcastle. Utterly utterly incredible.
  4. ADP

    Holidays 2012

    walking hadrian's wall in June. that is the closest thing to a holiday my budget will allow.
  5. ADP

    The Guitar Thread

    Has anyone got/ever used a Boss super Octave 0C-3? I'm thinking of buying however I'd leave me canny broke i reckon
  6. Fucking hell, sound like a reet bunch of ballbags. hope we stuff them now like. Btw, great thread this. Don't get disheartened by them lot, i really enjoyed reading the 'pool answers and look forward to ones in the future... if anyone can be arsed to do it.
  7. Any news on Perch? Would take a draw from this one. Reckon we'll score but it'll be a case of how many might we concede. If no Perchenbauer then I reckon we could have trouble. re: Gosling, bout time the lad started earning his salt.
  8. made me chuckle: http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/newcastle-mocks-stella-artois-and-its-chalice-new-campaign-139351
  9. anyone ever had half a guinness with a shot of gin in it? Fucking lovely, lush end-of-night drink.
  10. What do people really think will happen with Liverpool/dogleesh this summer and next season? Reckon he'll still be there? If not, who do you think'd get the job? They missed the boat with Martin O'Neill Imo.
  11. had a weird dream last night that the FA were announcing the new England manager down the Quayside and i was at the front of the crowd. When they presented a back room photocopier as the new manager I shouted at one of the TV cameras and gave them a poster of paul scholes playing for England around 2000 and started a huge chant of 'this is a bureaucratic nightmare.' I don't even watch international football. Felt like i was in a Fall video.
  12. haha! looks like he's about to cry
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT_wFem-CGQ
  14. ADP

    Ed Miliband

    No offence to you personally cos I dont know you but that just sounds like happy clappy land. If you have an alternative that you think had a chance of winning a real election in the next five years Im all ears. Life has never and will never be fair. It is all about and always will be about survival of the fittest. Well I think the aim should always be 'happy clappy' land in the long term otherwise what is the point, of anything. What defines survival of the fittest? It is such an ambiguous term. Winning an election here will rarely be anything to do with new ideas because everyone has been socialised within this system and their belief systems are so embedded in the 'status quo'. Now I'm not sure if its even possible to be objective about anything given that we all have inherent biases. However, I would like to think that there are societies and systems that we have not yet come to know that can exist and that are 'better' than the ones we know. I am not a communist, everyone knows how that went down in Russia. All I'm saying is, why cant we keep an open mind? Nothing good ever came from polemical debate. Which is why I will always try to avoid it. Anyway to finish, here is a quote from one of my favourite thinkers, Michel Foucault. The polemicist , on the other hand, proceeds encased in privileges that he possesses in advance and will never agree to question. On principle, he possesses rights authorizing him to wage war and making that struggle a just undertaking; the person he confronts is not a partner in search for the truth but an adversary, an enemy who is wrong, who is armful, and whose very existence constitutes a threat. For him, then the game consists not of recognizing this person as a subject having the right to speak but of abolishing him as interlocutor, from any possible dialogue; and his final objective will be not to come as close as possible to a difficult truth but to bring about the triumph of the just cause he has been manifestly upholding from the beginning. The polemicist relies on a legitimacy that his adversary is by definition denied Foucault is like, sooo, whatever.
  15. i felt a bit sorry for him when he went off. No matter what happened last January, and whether he wanted to go, whether he was forced - can't feel too nice being booed like that at the home ground of the club you've grown up loving. Fair enough he was a total cock on the pitch during the game - diving, moaning, etc. - but i couldn't help thinking being 23 years old myself, I would be fucking devastated if I had to do that walk of shame.
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