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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Swansea 2 Wolves 0 Wigan 1 Newcastle Utd 2 West Brom 2 Aston Villa 1 Everton 3 Fulham 2 Sunderland 1 Bolton 1 Stoke 0 Arsenal 3 Norwich 1 Liverpool 1 Chelsea 2 QPR 2 Tottenham 3 Blackburn 1 Manchester City 3 Manchester Utd 2 Liverpool 2 Fulham 1 Stoke 2 Everton 2 Chelsea 3 Newcastle Utd 3 Bolton 1 Tottenham 3 Arsenal 4 Norwich 1
  2. Fucking hell, I feel like death today. Massive hangover after whitying all awa the shop rat arsed at about 5 am this morning. feeling fragile to say the least right now
  3. Im going to agree with Lawro ( ) and go for 1 - 2 Toon win. Out of interest, Merson went for a 1 - 1.
  4. Had a massive session on this band today and forgot how much they kick the fuck out of the world:
  5. aye thats shit. when does/has it come into force from?
  6. Martin O'Neill looks (and behaves) like someone who could walk into the role of Jack Torrance in a remake of The Shining:
  7. Hope it went well mate. Had to do the same for my Grandma in January, was awful.
  8. You're so right. One of my mates is a mackem who has lived in the toon for about 6 years now and he is a sound as fuck lad. Proper spot on, mint crack on a night out, great laugh. But as soon as any banter comes up with sunderland/newcastle, you can see him getting twitchy and antsy. Last month he came out with 'Tiote.... don't like him. He's a cheating little cunt, can tell theres something dirty about him, nasty player.' I asked him what he was basing his assumption on, and after we dispelled the red card incident in the derby as being an understandable reaction, he was still persistent as fuck that Tiote was this animal who will cheat and dive his way to victories and that he is scum. He isn't that bad until the derby comes round, in fact, he's been proper buzzing with how the toon are doing this year for the city he lives in. But, in terms of toon/mackem banter he's as stubborn and foolish as the rest.
  9. Oh totally forgot also about meeting Jack Charlton. Met him at Hillsborough in the Championship season on boxing day. Was down watching the toon with my fatha' and we were in the lounge/restaurant part before the game with lots of posh people. I was sat with me dad's mates drinking before the game after an amazing meal and turned to my side to realise that Jackie was sat next to me on the other table. Id had a canny few red wines (and tinnies on the way down) so I got my bottle up to strike a conversation. Lovely bloke, was sound as fuck. was on the razza himself at 10:30.
  10. source? I thought they were announcing the crack with a conference tomorrow?
  11. god that sounds awesomely horrific. Met Gazza in the cooperage one night when I was about 16 just before I played a gig there. He bought me a pint and I asked him if he wanted to see my band. He replied, 'naaah mate *looked for an excuse... then repeated* naah.' walked off. The best pint id ever had up to that point.
  12. good crack that. bet bobby would have loved this season.
  13. he takes no prisoners like Shreeves. Watched a good interview by him with Big Dunc Ferguson on SSN.com. two legends.
  14. my mate put a 20 on them at the start of the season at 25s. he's absolutely buzzing.
  15. Real have some good penalty takers in their squad. but its, the Germans innit : /
  16. Pepe's a right irritating little cretin.
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