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Everything posted by ADP

  1. the mongs are already spouting mourinho and guardiola
  2. Toure looking to GTFO: http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11668/7759664/Agent-Toure-open-to-offers
  3. fuuck that's heavy. Hope it isn't the worst
  4. I hope he hasn't been sacked. I want him to continue his absurdities for at least another 6 months
  5. He's a complete and utter mong, but i do find something a bit funny with the term 'odious little toad' being attributed to Gary Lineker
  6. Reckon this will be the end of Barton as a Premier League player like. Can only see him getting picked up by championship teams now. I cannot imagine anyone taking a risk with him in the top flight. I know its been said before but he just keeps on alienating himself. I cannot imagine anyone at all having a good opinion of him after this latest fiasco.
  7. another local band. Mint: http://soundcloud.com/mammalclub/painting
  8. he'd flatten his hair then.
  9. Shearer would smash him.
  10. hopes/dreams: top 6 again, win a cup, do well in UEFA reality: think we will finish 6/7, not win a cup I would just love to win something, finally, after all this time.
  11. Proper mighty ducks shit that like
  12. they aren't going to do this. Completely bottled
  13. City's predicament is like one of those challenge situations on fifa that are proper rock hard.
  14. river for City? everywhere is down!
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