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Everything posted by ADP

  1. also has the best soundtrack to a film ever IMHO.
  2. anyone seen KIDS? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113540/ rewatched it this morning... what a fucking movie. 9/10 If you haven't seen this, WATCH IT ASAP. nb: not for the faint of heart
  3. Suarez bringing it up again. Also, some of the comments underneath the article by Liverpool fans are piss boilers. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11669/7778504/Suarez-My-conscience-is-clear
  4. weekend is beginning with a BBQ GTFI onwards and upwards
  5. don't think so. died a death a while ago I'm sure.
  6. IF i was a cynical conspiracy theorist, I'd say he didnt like Chelski winning the CL... When on Game of Thrones the 'Mad King' is referenced, I think of Blatter's face.
  7. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/25052012/2/blatter-calls-alternative-penalty-shoot-outs.html
  8. what a shout for some of my summer reading! cheers
  9. Got the chilli pepper nonetheless http://anthonykiedis.net/gallery/21st-century/anthony-kiedis-beth-jeans-houghton/
  10. Debatable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FcUTGSUsdg She's sound crack like.
  11. aye but difference is I knew that one! And have played a canny few gigs with her.
  12. Martinez to hold talks over vacancy in the next 36 hours
  13. Does it have a chapter in where he discusses the lass he was shagging from newcastle music scene a few months ago?
  14. Hobo With A Shotgun. Was shite, but in a so shite it is good way.
  15. Think I'll be giving that one a miss mate!
  16. I know Fergie piped up about it, now Rooney has added his two cents to the Mackems:- http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11661/7775142/Rooney-s-Sunderland-sickener
  17. It'd be slim pickings if it were 100 degrees in chester man
  18. Heard they are finally going to cough up the mental coin that Porto are asking for Hulk.
  19. this exchange made me laugh - Originally Posted by Doberman Sad mackem bastards hahahahahahahahahaha. Fukin luv cheezy chips me. tedious bell ends. Same craic on repeat. Boring as fuck. Originally Posted by The Boo Aye, because "youse smash up fern boxes" is fresh material Originally Posted by Doberman at least the phone box incident happened. This cheesy chips lark is fucking embarrassing considering I could nip down the chippy in Lancaster and get cheesy chips. In fact my best pal from Blackburn was the person who introduced me to cheesy chips.
  20. stubbed my toe this morning and bitched about it all day. Feel like a knob now after reading this. Hats off mate.
  21. I wasn't watching it expecting the movie to act as an aphrodisiac you mong. I watched it after hearing hype about the film on several film websites. Being someone (and the lass) who has never seen films like Saw and Hostel, we felt like it was high time that we should venture into the contemporary 'genre' of gore/taboo-breaking horror that had been getting so much press attention in the past few years. ASF was the 'wave-making' film at the time, so we watched that. The fact that I wanted to fuck my lass earlier that day was not related to a film we saw later on that portrayed fucking 'new born' porn or whatever it was called. I reiterate, anyone who hasn't seen it, don't bother. It is abysmal and disgusting.
  22. All the birds are out the day like...
  23. Im sure it isn't as bad as A Serbian Film - that fucked me up bad. Watched it with the lass, hoped to get a bit of action afterwards... watched the film, neither of us said anything to each other after we just went to bed. proper killed any love buzz. DO NOT WATCH THAT MOVIE
  24. same. When is the draw by the way?
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