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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Always liked Rodgers, hope he doesn't get too scouserfied in the 4 months (tops) he'll have there.
  2. I'm really looking forward to it.
  3. yeah ive got the redux, that's what I re-watched last night. It's a tough call, on the one hand, the theatrical cut is probably a tighter 'film'. But IMHO, the redux is better in terms of having a consistent atmosphere. One of the many problems of the film's production was that Copolla didnt know what he wanted to do with it, I think the redux shows how much of mind fuck the content and the production of the film actually was - this is the consistent tone of the redux: a complete mess, beautifully captured in amazing camera shots that comes together like a montage of controlled anarchy. It's like, every 4 minutes or so at the start, there would be a line in sheen's monologue, or by a character that really smacks you in the face... by the end, every 4 mins there will be a shot which just sums up a motif of the entire movie. As if what the film has dissolved into cannot be captured in dialogue or words as it is so far beyond comprehension. Then the culmination is Sheen taking Lance by the hand and walking off in complete silence out of camp Kurtz... fuck i love that film!
  4. Also, Apocalypse Now. Pretty much flawless 9.5/10
  5. down with the flu. caught it off the lass :/
  6. ADP

    Pet Hates!

    spot on. Same with those daft hats that were 'in vogue' a few years ago. the ones that looked like fucking nappies. they all look like JLS... who, if unaware, are uberfuckingcuntercunts.
  7. he'll be nailed up for the scouser job by christmas
  8. second clip was my favourite. the little lad got absolutely wiped out when he fell on the treadmill
  9. wiping away the tears after watching that
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=dC1vXfK9YSc
  11. Mate made this: http://soundcloud.com/blanca/blanca-afterlife its lush.
  12. side note... has anyone read Owen Jones' Chavs: the Demonization of the working class? There are so many things wrong with that book it is ridiculous. My girlfriend's brother is mates with him, told him to pass on the message that his time would be much worthwhile spent on a follow up - 'psuedo-pomp: the glorification of the middle-class.'
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsvPZPLzg5A takes a few vids before it starts getting really funny, but there are some class ones. 3:30 in is mint!
  14. Exactly my thoughts. Can only suppose that Lille are holding out for a possible decent tournament for him and price of player rocketing.
  15. yeah I just read that on the independent. weird as fuck.
  16. East to west mate, going from Monday to Saturday, camping most nights but stopping in a b and b in carlisle. Aye, its the last thing I need to get. Had a mare yesterday with a huge blister in between my big toe and my second toe after being on my feet all weekend at work etc! Popped it this morning though and it feels better already. Hopefully it will be fully healed by next week. Don't know whether I am really wanting this weather to continue onto next week or to cool down a bit as I reckon it may be hard in the heat. Though the thought of setting up camp at about 4 in the afternoon and enjoying rural Northumberland in this weather sounds more than appealing.
  17. Ketamine - Giving 100% effort 100% of the time.
  18. Doing the Hadrian's Wall walk next week, cant wait
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