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Everything posted by ADP

  1. just found out that Jeremy Clarkson was in Elvis Costello's Attractions?!!!!! Ehhhh?
  2. Point of View. In an ironic sense...
  3. Debatable... Last episode- Hound: If anyone dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his fucking corpse.
  4. Have this on vinyl. Kindof epitomises for me the beauty of vinyl intimate sound
  5. Because Tyrion is the only character in GoT who is given space to breathe and develop outside of scenes that are designed for plot development? (Devil's Advocate)
  6. Massive shout..... Fassbender as the next James Bond?
  7. ^ re: point 9... aye, ive heard the unanimous verdict is that Fassbender is immense in it. going to see it tomorrow, will give thoughts then.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rU-1gFKPmo
  9. http://uberhumor.com/the-first-time-my-gf-and-me-tried-ass-play
  10. So.... with the final episode due to be aired this weekend, I was wondering what people's thoughts were on this season. How has it compared to the first? what have you liked? disliked? NO SPOILERS MIND, I havent read the books yet and am dodging plot giveaways like fucking bullets on places like imdb!
  11. Drugs? Hodgson must be on them bath salts to turn to Jordan fucking Henderson.
  12. ADP

    Demba Ba

    completely agree and I think this is what a lot of people forget. Ba is a great striker, he just doesn't really fit in the 4-3-3 on the left. Then again, we won't play 4-3-3 every game. If Cisse got injured, we would be pretty fucked. I reckon we need to either keep Ba and get another younger striker in or get rid, get someone who can play on the wing and still get another young striker.
  13. Whilst I do largely agree with everything you've said, he also stands for more than that. He involuntarily represents for a lot of people the price of fame and money and how it can impact detrimentally on an illness like alcoholism. He will always be a legend of the game, but it's his career afterwards on shows like Piers Morgan and This Morning that adds fuel to the tabloid voyeurism which sadly overshadows the fact his is, as you say, a true working class boy done good in the game he loved since he was 3 years old.
  14. nah, iirc first and third are related - well, they all are in different ways regarding character recurrences. but they each have their own wire tapping investigation going on. Does well to compartment each series yet lend them to the feeling of an entire entity.
  15. 5 series. 2nd is good, 4th is fantastic. 5th is dogger 3rd is alright. IMHO
  16. Buzzing after getting 4 distinctions on 4 papers i got back from Durham! but also really confused after working last night where we put on a show by Richard D Hall - conspiracy theorist. Kind of felt a bit sorry for a lot of the people there. Don't mean to sound patronising (which that incredibly does), but cant help think... man, why cant you just accept that the reality of the situation of the world is more fucked up than any conspiracy theory thought up by a denouncer of capitalism and mass media (who coincidentally financially capitalises on his truth exposé)
  17. Ignorant question - what did he say about Hughton like?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=v2Yyhiar_BU
  19. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11661/7788036/Whelan-Villa-not-big-enough Dave Whelan as the biggest loudmouth in football at the minute, but this shit stirring I somewhat appreciate - if only for the imagined face of Merson.
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