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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Desperados is truly, truly awful. Don't know how people can finish a bottle.
  2. Ashley Cole may be crocked. Pulled out of training early and apparently the docs are canny worried about whatever it is.
  3. The lack of noise/reassurance from Levy indicates for me that Harry will be gone in the next few days. Stupid idiot, he should have taken the contract that was offered before the England manager debacle.
  4. Bad crack the fighting. Russia have been warned once... wonder what UEFA are going to do...well... i know: nowt. Gemmill, is anyone else reporting a fatality? If that is the case then that is fucking awful, both teams should be chucked out.
  5. Aye, missed the prefix 'self-' there. I don't want to lose my job either and I feel like ive already taken the piss out of them having had to get cover for several shifts for gigs and recording in the past month anyways. Its not even like we are getting a mint for the gigs anyways. It's leaving me totally broke and struggling to pay bills. All the while this lad is passively suggesting that I am being selfish because I am rather fond of having a roof over my head and a job to fund said roof. Fucking joke.
  6. Monstrously pissed off. Trying to get a work evening off whilst a righteous drummer tells you you're basically a prick for needing to keep in a fucking job is not enjoyable. Don't ever be in a band.
  7. Chuffed with the performance yesterday. I believe if we play how we can against Ukraine and Sweden we should be fine. Hats off to Hodgy for starting Oxo cube, Lescott and Terry looked solid. Gerrard looked decent too. That Debuchy lad looked a real handful. Can imagine France annihilating someone before the tournament is over. All in all, would have happily taken that result this time yesterday - the confident performance on top of it (even though we sat back quite often and let them take turns with long range shots) was a little bonus. Nice one England.
  8. very true, its the same sort of expectation as any other tournament, just being channeled slightly different.
  9. That why he liked lying on his back underneath a glass coffee table whilst Eva did a poo on it... for fertiliser? Playground mythology at its finest.
  10. Woke up this morning with the inevitable massive surge of patriotism that catches me off guard on first game of major international tournaments after making snide remarks throughout the preceding fortnight about how I don't really care about the national team. Howay England wipe that smirk of Blanc's face!
  11. anyone watching this? Some of these people are nuts!
  12. Main thing that stands out is the pace of the two teams. I don't know if the Irish are slow or Croatia are fast, but there's a notable difference.
  13. Shut up man Jamie Jelavic isn't fit to clean wor Cisse's boots you daftie!
  14. don't know why, but i really hope Spain do shite in this tournament. Perhaps just because they've won the past two major tournaments and i want to see them get knocked off their Jimmy Perchinho.
  15. Well, this has just blown my mind:
  16. Ive heard that Being Elmo is awesome like. Any more detail as to what its crack is?
  17. Staff said those attending had 'behaved like peasants with money.'
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