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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Do you know who is production manager? I think i might know him.
  2. 2.c with no intention for an upgrade to 1. for the foreseeable future.
  3. Aye, fuck that for a game of cricket.
  4. ^ @HF this is a belter rap song that has me hooked at the minute:
  5. Out of interest... How old were people when they got married?
  6. Fright Night (2011) Mother of god this was a bad movie. It is listed as horror/comedy which I can dig - anything from the Evil Dead trilogy to Shaun of the Dead I'm prepared to have a deek at in the name of gut-removing laughter. Sadly, Fright Night got it wrong...very wrong. The tone of the movie was so odd that it was difficult to place the characters which were nothing we hadn't seen in other teen horrors/comedies. The acting was not bad, insofar as the actors seemed to do as best they could with the characters they were given, even Colin Farrell, who, apart from In Bruges I have very little time for. What was worst about this movie however is that the comedy element was completely lost on me, and my lass who i watched it with. Seriously, I don't know whether it was this unique brand of comedy from one particular part of Las Vegas or something, but my god.... It was just not funny. There was nothing to this movie that I would advocate as a must see to anyone. I have not seen the original, and I don't know whether I can be bothered after that monstrosity. I know that is an unhealthy approach to watching movies. But Fright Night (2011) was 90 minutes of my life ill never get back. Cant be arsed to waste any more! 2/10.
  7. I havent really been following the stuff about the Olympic torch (or the Olympics in general for that matter)... but why on earth is Bear Gryll's doing a zip wire with it over the tyne on friday?
  8. This has gone viral in Ireland apparently: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/irishsun/irishsunsport/euro2012ireland/4369454/Breast-licking-footie-fan-exposed-online.html
  9. Yeah i heard that as well. Tbh, I would be happy with that appointment. As someone else said, Im not convinced that Moyes would do great at a big team and that would mean that Everton, our biggest rivals in top 7 standings would fuck up and fall down the table.
  10. Get in! Made my bloody day! n.b: its been a fairly boring day.
  11. Im reserving my jubilation until I get a BBC confirmation
  12. The Dutch for the last 7/8 mins of that game was woeful. Looked like their players didnt really give a fuck about it and were resigned to losing. Proper last few games before the Toon got relegated crack. If I was a Dutch supporter id be well pissed off, especially at Robben's antics. Selfish, self-involved twat who needs everything to be about him.
  13. Germany look class like. Really well organised.
  14. Aye, Lawroitis at a near terminal level here.
  15. Reckon this is gonna be a cracker. Hope it is anyways.
  16. The Portuguese are a bunch of diving cunterheads.
  17. Di Matteo confirmed as Chelski manager. Sorry if its been posted elsewhere I couldn't see it anywhere else.
  18. yeah i have heard loads of shouts similar to that one. Fuck that shit.
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