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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Tired. Midway through 4 gigs 4 nights. Played at quarter to 12 last night didnt get home til 1:30. Up git early this morning an all.
  2. What is the latest on Debuchy like?
  3. A mate whose 'mate is mates with Cabaye's brother'.... told me that it's virtually a done deal that if Cabaye plays like he did last season this season, he is going to Man Utd next summer.
  4. Yep, that's it! IMO its a better film, but i also think both of them are pretty fucking scary at times.
  5. CD Radiohead - In Rainbows Patrick Wolf - Wind in the Wires/Microphones - Window (cant decide!) Wild Beasts - Two Dancers DVD Twin Peaks Season 1 and 2 box set Apocalypse Now Redux The Office box set (or some porn) BOOKS Wordsworth - Collected Poetry Oscar Wilde - Collected Works Aldous Huxley - Point Counter Point
  6. Anyone ever seen Ripping Yarns? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075568/ Absolutely brilliant British comedy. Highly recommended!
  7. I got 'And all the other boys... they tried to train... ME!'
  8. Out of interest... Do Spurs have like a director of football position? Who is doing all their transfer dealings without a manager in place? I refer to Sigurdsson, the apparent interest in Dzagoev and the metro have linked them with Sturridge. Or is Levy just buying these players?
  9. I had a similar experience at that age after smoking something that was apparently called 'nazi dust'.
  10. Good deal best of luck to him. Now for some movement on the Hoilett/De Jong/Debuchy/Anita/Douglas et al situations.
  11. Once had a seizure in the middle of a soon to be busy road at 5 am. Luckily an old lady was out with her dog for an early stroll and called an ambulance.
  12. ADP

    Great Lyrics

    Future of the Left - Failed Olympic Bid I've got a place for the American base Right in the middle of Rotherham's steel mills Imagine the boost for the local economy Like anybody cares about the north of England But a failed Olympic bid leaves some kids so upset They can't forget A failed Olympic bid leaves some kids so upset They can't forget I've got a home for the Millennium Dome A heart disease ward underwritten by McDonalds You got funding while I got fat On a training programme for type 2 diabetes But a failed Olympic bid leaves some kids so upset They can't forget A failed Olympic bid leaves some kids so upset They can't forget I've got a hole for Sebastian Coe Saddam Hussein won't be needing it now Glue the beard on and wake him up When London speaks then the north won't listen But a failed Olympic bid leaves some kids so upset They can't forget A failed Olympic bid leaves some kids so upset They can't forget
  13. Ive got terrestrial. Ive got the mute button though.... should i use that???
  14. ...um no mate i was just saying i was getting sick of hearing about it :/ I think anyone with a footballing brain would love their team to play like Spain. Doesn't mean I want repeats of Lawrenson and Hansen pissing themselves over it.
  15. You seen the original? The end haunted my juvenile dreams.
  16. Sick of the BBC wanking over Spain like.
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