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Everything posted by ADP

  1. what's the deal with that noise which accompanies the start and finish of replays? Is it on all the olympic replays because that is going to get annnooooooyyyyyiiiiiiiinnnnnnggggg.
  2. Game of Thrones collection just got delivered today. 2 more weeks of thesis work then i am going to hit those like a motherfucker. Can't wait!
  3. also David Attenborough documentaries. Can't lose with them.
  4. Only Fools and Horses Peep Show The Office Futurama The Simpsons Family Guy Ripping Yarns WW2 in Colour
  5. I most certainly do not! I resent the claim! EDIT: Is doncha a font?
  6. re Wolfy and your long posts: There's a difference between questioning things and fictionalising things. As you attempt to stretch your imaginative faculties, do you ever ask yourself why you feel the need to do so? Pretty much everyone on this board takes a critical, interrogative approach to everything (It comes with the territory of having MA in charge of the toon). Why cant you accept that many aspects of the world is as fucked up as they appear, and don't need to be embellished with conspiracy theories and alternative, unexplainable motives beyond existing in themselves as tragic and awful things? It is as if you are trying to tie in everything that is fucked up in the world together under one label of evilness, when in reality, it is incomprehensible the multitude of social, economic, cultural, legislative, political, and ecological factors from which many of your examples of global fucked upness result from. Im not having a go mate - It would be kind of awesome if there were a few people in the world who were in charge of all of the shit or not very nice things in the world. But you are looking for something that doesn't exist. check yourself before you wreck yourself.
  7. ADP


    It must be done. Make sure she puts in some peppers as well!
  8. ADP


    The lass just made me this mexican steak salad: was fucking lush. recipe from waitrose website: http://www.waitrose.com/content/waitrose/en/home/recipes/recipe_directory/m/mexican_steak_salad_with_beans_and_sweetcorn.html
  9. how long do they have to decided if they are for or against the death penalty?
  10. that website is fucking weird.
  11. tim cahill gannin to NY Red Bulls. Great servant of that club, I'd be canny gutted if i were an everton fan.
  12. haha, nah I'm none of them lot, just think they have a bit of vehemence and bollocks about them that a lot of other acts lack in NE music. FWIW, their set was fucking mint. Deek it next time you can, you won't be disappointed.
  13. totally agree. What's more is that their group devotion to patriotism dumbs the fact of this individualism down, creating a notion of this perfect middle ground of 'freedom' that is at once 'in it together as americans' and dangerously warped version of the american dream where selfishness prevails. From the classroom daily recitals of the pledge of allegiance from the age of 5 to the national anthem before baseball games, their rhetoric is infused with this faux patriotism that on surface lends itself to a big society coming together under the blanket of 'the flag', when in actual fact it is blind ignorance. Whenever i go over there to see my dad, it shocks me at how militaristic the place is... you cant avoid it. I know that that is a bit of a well-known viewpoint when people go over there, but fuck me, everywhere there is references to violence and war. It's like this weird voyeuristic thing about war, the country still retains a kind of attraction to it. And it is really selective as well - there are no notable remembrances or even acknowledgements about atrocities such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and quell any possible feelings of guilt by stating that it was necessary. This is a totally different argument which i don't want to get into, but if you are going to take pride in your national history, if you can feel proud of something your great ancestors achieved or did, then you must simultaneously feel their shame as well. That isn't to say that all americans are like that. Far from it. But the country needs to shift its emphasis of self-interrogation towards what they lack, rather than what they offer. Their notion of 'freedom' is like an umbrella term for anything anyone likes it to be really. It is really interesting, because the word has taken on so many new meanings, not least by the republicans, that use it often as a means to get the conservative, this-is-the-american-way vote on particular national issues. As Toonpack has noted, their country has a very recent history of severe social unrest that we cannot really comprehend. I find it astonishing that it was only 150 years ago that they were fighting the civil war and what that war concerned. When I ask people over there 'why are you so concerned with the military?' that is the answer I get. America, despite its rhetoric on freedom, opportunity, and the dream, is still in the process of forging its identity. Guns are, and will remain, a part of that identity as wars are what created what little of the country's identity it has right now. Such a strange place. I'll probably get slammed for having a leftist approach to this but, whatever, I just tend to get these impressions when I go over there, and speak to my family over there.
  14. other night i was walking home from a mates quite late down the cocaine strip and outside perdu this group of lads were assembled, wearing said daft 'shoes'. I tried to walk around them but couldnt so i walked through them, at one point standing on one of the lads feet with my doc martins. His exclamatory, my realisation.... I'd never felt more like a man in my life.
  15. Awful crack that. poor lad, thoughts are with his family.
  16. best live band in town. have some of this an all:
  17. great first touch on him.
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