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Everything posted by ADP

  1. ADP

    Xbox or PS3

    Need help folks as i havent a clue on this lark. basically, what it says on the tin of the thread... Xbox 360 or PS3? I want one. Not that botheered about playing online. Nor will i be that fussed about having shit loads of games, so i dunno if that means i could get away not needing LOADS of GB? I am asking it again as I know that there has been precedent for both to fuck up? I need help as i havent a fucking clue!
  2. is it confirmed it has been rejected? I'm proper sick of this crack like.
  3. Howay Gemma dee that yank good and proper!
  4. probably best watched muted. Must say, that second goal, I've never seen anything like that before or since.
  5. hope Simpson stays for cover. Would be great as a squad player for next season.
  6. You're right, he does. But the point has been made several times now, by him, AVB, and jenas, and people have taken note. Nee need to drag it on by repeating it.
  8. just out of interest, what would make you believe in the landings or indeed any space expedition? what would be for you definitive proof? would it need you to actually go there yourself to see it?
  9. Gareth Bale's a right whingy little sod still going on about the Adam tackle: http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11675/7954251/Spurs-still-angry-at-Adam
  10. Sorry Wolfy, but that is so arrogant its beyond comprehension. You're saying that the main difference between yourself and professional scientists who have made it their life's work to study in their field, dedicating their time and effort into attempting to strengthen modern thought, is their scientific jargon that veils their ignorance? Fucking hell man, have a word.
  11. The scouser's certainly irritate me more than the mackem's like.
  12. Is there any truth OF the moon?
  13. Dinar i just put in 6 ft 12 stone and that what who came up first.
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