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Everything posted by ADP

  1. ADP

    Gary Barlow

    All the best man.
  2. Great result. What an effort!
  3. Might have to spend over 20 million to get Allen as well: http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11669/7969852/Laudrup-No-cheap-Allen-deal
  4. Seems like a lot of Liverpool fans have been put about by the possible Agger sale (as well as Bellamy, and Rodgers' handling of Carroll), and the backlash of Rodgers is beginning
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxFDPdCuasY
  6. ADP

    Gary Barlow

    Don't particularly like the bloke but I would never want that to happen to anyone. My thoughts are with his wife, himself, and his family and friends.
  7. Wolfy. Evolution. Thoughts?
  8. The big issue sellers are trying to earn legitimate money tbf to them.
  9. Its been all over my Facebook mate, someone put up a page for him a while ago as well: https://www.facebook...126092364132664 Apparently he used to work at the RVI and then his dad committed suicide and he just went on a downward spiral from there, lost his family and home Some nice stories in some comments (others are absolute troll/WUM cunts), including one about busies in the winter arresting him so he could have a roof over his head.
  10. Some photographer was doing a project on the homeless apparently.
  11. I found out on Friday night that a homeless man from newcastle had died. From what ive heard, he was found dead outside a tesco in the early hours of Friday, though I may be wrong. This man's name was apparently Jimmy, an ex doctor whose life fell apart after his marriage broke down. Whether this is true or not is kind of irrelevent, because he still existed as someone who the system had failed. Never once did he ever bother me and i must have walked past him about twice a week for the past 6 years. Always kept himself to himself, never begged or was pushy like other homeless people. I am genuinely quite gutted he has died, and it has kind of made me think about the way I view the homeless. Never paid much attention to him, but I always saw him round, and just thought that he would live forever. Its weird. He was, in every sense to me, a part of Newcastle city. He may not have contributed financially, but he existed as part of Newcastle. Wish I had offered to buy him a cup of tea or something now, never struck up a conversation with him for fear of offending him or appearing condescending, despite having been on the same metro as him a zillion times. A proud man in a situation in his life where pride would initially appear lacking. RIP Jimmy, hope you're resting your bones on the feather cushioned park bench in the sky. here are some pics of him to put a face to a name:
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DheFFTmuyu4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwlkV9sHMg4 personal favourite
  13. I think you have a good taste in music. Did you go to Dinosaur Jr in town in 2010? You ever listened to The Gun Club? Edit: Just re read... you live in Sidney, never mind first question!
  14. Not sure whether I really like or really loathe Man utd's kit. Granted, it's manure so I could never REALLY like it...
  15. exhausted. Work, dissertation. Need to rest but have a 12 hour shift today and then do some more reading when i get home tonight.
  16. good post agree completely. What Subpop stuff are you into?
  17. Im guessing those fireworks were from Gateshead stadium?
  18. Get in Mo! proper chuffed for him what an athlete
  19. Drive Aesthetics were good, soundtrack was fantastic. Also some great running motifs that fitted together nicely (e.g. rooms, staring etc) Thought the characters lacked depth and the attempt to Ryan Gosling into this charismatic 'speak when you're spoken to' silent guy failed. Came across instead as basically a wierd hipster. Didnt care about the characters because of the lack of dialogue. I get what the director was trying to achieve, and i think that some scenes would have worked superbly if there were previous scenes that had a bit of character depth. Was left a little disappointed after all of the hype. That said, it had its moments, and I liked some of the homage stuff to Taxi Driver etc. 7/10.
  20. I don't dislike him, just don't 'get it'. EDIT: same with Neutral Milk Hotel .
  21. ADP

    Xbox or PS3

    Ive played extensively on both when living with housemates who have had them. tbh, i love them both. I think im going to have a deek in gamestation today and get some figures down. Also, i was thinking about going to have a look in CEX on pilgrim street. Ive bought loads of dvds from there, but not 100% about buying a console, although i do hear that you can buy a years warranty on it as well... has anyone had any experience with this?
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