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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Please, for the love of any god any one wants to pray to, don't make the same mistake again!
  2. Eh? EDIT: I have no idea what you are referring to here? I don't think Ive once made any derogatory comment whatever to British muslims. I would never say something like that.
  3. What did you make of the Gareth Bale Olympics fiasco? Redknapp - should never have got rid or had he taken you as far as he could?
  4. yep, im not going to sleep after this. I am, self-admittedly, a fucking whimp when it comes to spiders. The horrible dicks.
  5. Same, take no chances, be ruthless. Show no mercy, Shola Ameobi.
  6. And this song makes me to get off my nut:
  7. This song makes me really happy and really sad at the same time:
  8. ADP

    Gary Barlow

    Just read that... Wow...
  9. That Suvival of the Fittest video was embarrassing.
  10. Alreet mate! Just a harmless pop culture reference... I have no idea, regarding your question. Though I'm curious as well now you've mentioned it. I think Dalglish has been idolised in a way few Liverpool 'legends' have, but what the criteria for that is, I do not know.
  11. 4-4 arsenal Shearer volley against Everton (moreso as I had a great view of it) Mackem demolition
  12. Fucking belter album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QYtyyKgqp0 if you don't like this, you have no soul. EDIT: Or any appreciation of a perfect pop song.
  13. Aye I thought that, 4 years of your life given to training that moment, gone in an instant. Any mistake made is probably down to the amount of adrenaline in your body at the time.
  14. Ferguson talking sense about the current transfer climate (after RVP crack): http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11670/7974549/United-waiting-on-RVP
  15. FAO Wolfy: http://www.wembleyarena.co.uk/artist/david-icke-tickets
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtX7nOtlj3Q&feature=player_profilepage
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