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Everything posted by ADP

  1. No because that was the point they were making, perhaps they were symbolising that no one could get as close to the church as Putin? I dinar... In answer to your earlier question, nothing particularly new has been revealed. But it has been revealed to more people in different parts of different societies as the story has gone global. If you think that the prison sentence should have been longer you're mental. It is not simply a case of 'they broke the law, they should be reprimanded accordingly'. To suggest so validates Russia as a healthy honest democracy.
  2. They did it in the church becasue they were highlighting the Putin/Church overfriendly relationship.
  3. Same as MT's thread really, anyone seen him? If so, what's the crack? Also, is he training with the first team squad this season? Seem to remember Pardew saying that it was a possibility a few months ago.
  4. Started reading A Game of Thrones yesterday... already nearly 400 pages through! Can't put it down despite having seen the series twice and knowing what is going to happen for the first two books. Really enjoying the contextual information given to characters and previous events in the book, fleshes out the characters in a way that the series cannot do sometimes.
  5. There should certainly be a limitation on the amount of children people can have. However, license to have any children would run into the immediate charge of selective breeding and eugenics by those who grant the license.
  6. But people do though. You seem to suggest that there is something innate in humans that they enjoy being subordinated. But you are wrong. Look at the beginning of enlightened thought, the Romantic/French revolution. Perhaps the most important historical event in modern history, as it was science that catalysed it. Diderot's Encyclopaedia and Louis XV's banning of it for the 'damage that results from it in regard to morality and religion' exemplifies this. Science was then, as it remains now, a searching for understanding and comprehending life and the universe. It is as artistic as a painting, and requires as much technicality as the most complex lock would require of a locksmith. It is not a means to subordinate people, but a means to lift said subordination. For thousands of years men and women have attempted, through trial and error passed down from each generation, to inch us closer to truth, and many have done so in secrecy for fear of their own lives. To state that there is truth in simplicity is an insult to that process. There is no doubt that some of the most accepted theories now will be proven incorrect in the close or distant future. But that is the nature of science, as it always has been. You seem to understand the workings of the universe in a 'seeing-is-believing' sense. Can you not see how absurd that is? Positivism of that sort died out in the early 20th century, yet you proclaim it as if it is an innovation. It is not, it is simply contrary to what has evolved from it. It is like saying that a tree is more made of wood than a wooden stool. I admire you in a way Wolfy, I admire your vehemence and passion. Yet I pity you (and I know you don't want my pity, but I just can't help feeling it), because you are so stubborn to accept that there is more to life than what you see. By being so stubborn, perhaps you have shown what is truly innate in humans - suspicion and questioning authority. This is where science came from in the first place. Not a means to present an alternative governing body to the church, not to earn dirty money for the 'fat cats', but to question the status quo in a healthy, logical manner. You sadly seem incapable of doing the latter.
  7. Completely agree. Seeing Jessie J (for the first time out of three) was the start of the comedown, but when Bowie came on I was lifted for 30 seconds, then I saw they took the most literal take on the song, and kate moss strutted down the makeshift catwalk, the sober light of day had never burned so badly.
  8. agreed, Simpson has put in a tremendous shift for the toon.
  9. What would people's thoughts be on fielding the younger players in the FA and league cup?
  10. Awww fuck off man! this makes no fucking sense whatever get rid of that little cunt and his awful seedy goatee.
  11. Its like a Royal Variety remake of Austin Powers.
  12. Was...that....Boris Johnson, jigging to Spice up your life?
  13. The target audience for this ceremony must have ADD. Each song is only played halfway through.
  14. This is embarrassing. Shit way to send off a brilliant Olympics.
  15. Exactly what me and the lass have agreed on. Weak.
  16. I'd imagine so after a few days, not immediately. Once the media got hold of it maybe... as sad as that may sound.
  17. Wish Lennon was here to belt this out
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