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Everything posted by ADP
It's alreet man he never gets any penalties when he is actually fouled so it's cush that he dives to make up for the numbers.
Back to his best 15 minutes later when discussing Bale's absurd dive saying 'Well, you have to see the funny side of football don't you' in a jovial he's-alright-because-he's-British-tone, when you know that if it was anyone other than one of the BBC's golden boys they'd be up in arms at the 'state of the game'.
A men. This is probably my 5th post this thread about him, but I don't think I dislike a player in the premier league more than Van Persie. Arrogant little twat who I'd fucking love to see out on the town and see how he fairs. Horrible, horrible little twat.
Tiote will get sent off.
I fucking hate that dutch twat like. Hope someone sticks a boot in in the 93rd minute and wipes that fucking little smirk off his face.
stick a nut on the cunt jonas
Think that is generous. They've started really well, but our defending has been really bad. Basic fundamental defending - don't lose your man on set pieces. I find it fucking ridiculous that Evra could get his head on that corner.
jesus fucking christ.
fucks sake
Hope the toon army give Van Persie a load of jip for his antics with Krul last season. The bell end.
Special goal by Diame for west sham like
Agreed. What I like about Neville is that he wears his Man U affiliation on his sleeve, but stops short of wearing rose-tinted glasses when analysing them (I think Fergie got pissy one time about him 'slating' Man utd and that hasn't seemed to deter him which is good). He credits where it is due, be it City, Liverpool or Man Utd. Certainly a different league of punditry from MOTD.
FF has just linked Shearer to Blackburn and he has said there has been no contact, but suggested that he may be interested. Has there been a lot of crack about this? I haven't heard anything but might just been out of the twitter loop. What are people's thought's on this possibility? And on Shearer's next move in general (other than the obvious one which is to get the fuck off the MOTD set as soon as possible)? my 2 cents re Blackburn: Don't touch it with a bargepole Alan!
See, that's why I liked it. I too enjoy how films differ when they depict the future. However, Looper's future was not overstated as a lot of films are. What I mean is, you look back 30 years ago from now, and there isn't a HUGE gulf between how things look in the majority of streets. Looper's future world appeared to me at least quite a realistic one - New technologies clearly visible, but not overbearingly so. For instance, on the farm, a rundown 20th century looking place by all accounts, then she uses that anti-gravity machine to water her crops by air. I think the film did well not to push the notion of 'the future world where everything looks different' down the audiences throats. Something I think a lot of movies that depict the future do.
I'd start him. Might be a turning point for him. Might.
I agree with Gattaca and 12 Monkeys. Post up what you thought when you see it!
I'm considering going to see it again to be honest... Maybe on orange wednesdays like, but it was a good film!
I agree(d). Before I watched Looper I really was not his biggest fan at all (I thought Brick was a jumped-up, pretentious, overly stylised piece of shite, with him at the catalytic centre). Though he was really good in this. The whole film just felt like something a little more fresh than the recent sci-fi offerings in cinema.
I didn't think so. It's not overbearing. I think they did a good job with trying to make him look like a young Bruce Willis - Imagining what Bruce Willis could have looked like when he was younger, rather than going all out trying to make a doppelgänger with more hair and less wrinkles. Tbh, the success of the casting is in Levitt's facial expressions. You can tell he has done his homework on how BW mouth moves, eyebrows raise etc.
Looper Really good watch. More I think about it, the more I liked it. Picking up on J69's comment, I do think that the end was a bit too tidy a resolution to the film. But otherwise, I thought it was great. Fantastic acting, great casting, cinematography was great as well - there were some shots which just stuck with you, like this one (NOT A SPOILER): I'd give this film an 8.5/10. Well worth a watch, and shits on the contemporary films it has been lazily compared to in some reviews (Butterfly Effect, Inception). EDIT: Much as I cannot stand him, I think Peter Bradshaw's guardian review of the film hit the nail on the head for a surface description of the film: 'Rian Johnson's Looper is very exciting and very confusing at the same time: a gripping time-travel, sci-fi thriller indebted to Christopher Nolan's Memento and James Cameron's The Terminator, but with its own creepiness and muscular sense of urgency.'
I like Pointless.
Was forwarded this video by a friend. Pretty amazing and exciting considering that it was made 3 years ago. He goes round the houses a bit when describing how the project began, but some of the stuff is amazing:
I've done that, I'll see if that fixes it. Cheers for suggestion. It's not like ridiculously slow, just noticed it after reading CT's comment on it taking 40 seconds to post. Meh... Got another job in the pipeline this morning as well. Happy days!
Just noticed past few days that posting on here is also taking quite a long time for me as well. Not sure if it is just coincidence, but my broadband is working fine otherwise.