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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Christ. Re Clattenburg: Is anything due to be published today about it? Chelsea's 'internal investigation' into it was meant to have concluded yesterday. I agree with GEMMILL though, he must have suffered a breakdown to have said what he had said. It's an interesting dichotomy though - If he ended up getting charged with racist language, his career would be effectively over. Compared to John Terry, Suarez, Ferdinand's 'choc ice' comment. If it is found that there is no substance to the accusations whatever, Chelsea should be punished severely IMO.
  2. Find it funny BBC's constant questioning of everyone they interview over the pond about whether 'the authorities dealt with the storm well enough/were prepared enough'. Proper British media pot-stirring trying to find a scapegoat
  3. ADP


    cheers man ill have a deek... for the schalg's (boh)ring.
  4. ADP


    either or bud i wont be needing it for excessive use so dinar
  5. ADP


    Not sure if that'll help me drill a hole in my wall like. Might have to give it a gan though as i'm tearing my hair out here with this shite ikea bookcase. Needs to be done before work as well.
  6. ADP


    Need to buy a drill. Nowt state of the art or daft expensive, just solid and covers the general requirements. Any suggestions?
  7. Like shit. Got a demon of a sore throat can barely swallow anything(whey!). Fucking hate being ill. How do you quicken a sore throat? Hit smoking on the head for a few days like. honey/?
  8. This. And Ambleside. i had a lush meal last year in a pub overlooking Lake Ullswater - They were a hotel/B and B too I believe with excellent food and prices. Can't remember the name of if for the life of me but the owners were french and it had an amazing view of the lake.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk...siness-20146942 Disney said it planned to release a new Star Wars film, episode seven, in 2015. That will be followed by episodes eight and nine and then one new movie every two or three years, the company said.
  10. Thought it was sold out?
  11. I thought the sun did move? I thought we were all moving? and that as years go by, a january for instance can never be in the same position as it's predecessor. My mate is a science journalist and he bores the fuck out of me every now and then at the pub when he's had a canny few jars about something or other regarding space, and I'm pretty certain he says that the general scientific consensus for movement in the universe is that the best way to describe the positioning of the universe, and us in it, is that it is folding in upon itself. Movement is always occurring, our sun moves, and with it, so do we. I don't know if this movement is in the same way Wolfy may think it moves, but there you gan... I might have just been brainwashed by beer mind. EDIT: *disclaimer* I know very little about science myself.
  12. Black Dynamite. One of the best satires I've seen in a while. Was laughing a lot. 7/10 because I can dig it.
  13. Yeah i heard that as well! GN is a good pundit, but that was utter shite
  14. Whatever was and was not simulation, it's just a sad case that we have to even debate and consider whose would-be dishonesty warranted a red card more than the other. Wish players just had respect for fellow professionals and didn't bullshit. I know it's wishful thinking, just reckon the game is going to the dogs due to the dishonesty of players which is making it a no contact sport. We can blame the refs all we like for getting decisions wrong, but truth is in these instances it is the players that are making it so difficult for them. Fuck being a referee like, why anyone would want to be one is beyond me.
  15. There was contact with Torres, but he could have easily continued running imo. I only properly saw it like that on the camera from above Cech's head, zoomed in. He made a meal out of it because he hoped that the ref would come down hard on the manure defender. This constitutes simulation and was rightly booked for it. The Ivanovic incident is, for better or worse, following the letter of the law of contact with last man and striker that unfairly prevents a goalscoring opportunity. It's harsh on Ivanovic (though he is a knobber) as it appears that he accidentally clipped Young's foot and sent him flying, but them's the rules at present. Agreed.
  16. Played shite second half. Hope the jammy goal doesn't paper over that crack for the team. Some players need to pick themselves up. Still, buzzing with the win!
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