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Everything posted by ADP

  1. ADP


    Aye. I don't profess to know loads about mental health at all like. Just initially found it a bit strange that the treatment for a neurological disorder is the same as that of bipolar disorder.
  2. ADP


    Im on some head fuck medication (which im currently in the process of switching to a substitute) which I will need to take for the rest of my life and some of the side effects send me really really low once every 6 months or so. Have a period of days where i wake up and my entire body feels paralysed and cannot get out of bed for love nor money as the prospect of anything whatsoever happening is just awful. Definitely isn't the same sensation as feeling shit due to work or lack of money (I don't know if it is 'depression' like), as it is just completely all encompassing for about 48 hours then it goes. Hopefully the change in meds will get rid of it like but its fucking horrible when it happens. What's strange about it is the medication is also given to some people to treat bi polar disorder. I don't tend to get upset or owt very much, but I do wonder if there is something in the fact that the medication is used for that in other instances, and those days where I firmly believe that there is no point in anything at all :/ EDIT: Sorry to be bleak!
  3. Abso-fucking-lutely. All the spiel about respect for referees is hot air. What needs to happen first is stamping out the disrespecting of referees which should come with cards and bans. If they are serious about it, hit the players and clubs where it hurts. It'll take a couple of seasons to get used to it and there may be a shit load of sendings off for those couple of years, but it would soon die down and the game would be the better for it in the long run. A refs job seems the most undesirable thing in football for me by a country mile (including sharing punditry duties with the likes of Ray Wilkins) - No breaks, All abuse. Fair enough they fuck up sometimes, but i'd prefer it to a stop/start game when a contested decision is reviewed by external referees using technology during game time.
  4. Is there any precedent for a 4+ match ban for intent like?
  5. Just calming the game down man. Let them get their sugar rush out of their system then hit them when they're coming down
  6. Would have taken a point at the start of the day so not unhappy. Colo is going to be a massive miss. That linesman was a fucking bell end like (not saying I disagree with the decision but the whole game he was very partial to lIVERPOOL). Firmly believe that if Liverpool didn't have Suarez they'd be fucked. He's a cracking player, but he's made to look world class due to a lot of the deadwood players. Speaking of deadwood players, thought Gutierrez was really, really poor today. One of the toughest games of the season down, another point on the board... Not the end of the world by any means.
  7. Fucking Gutierrez has been fucking wank. Fucks sake.
  8. Eh... Is it just me supporting toon or was that not a penalty? Dinar what Mick Quinn is about like, he DID go down too easily!
  9. was vital that we didnt concede in first ten minutes. Think we've slowly grown into the game. Hopefully can hang on to the lead and maybe get a cheeky second on the break.
  10. Gerrard 600th appearance today, scored in 5 out of last 6 games against toon. Odds on then I reckon
  11. For anyone who hasn't seen this before, watch it. It's class and makes some mint points:
  12. 'I thought it was my knee...'
  13. He's just an absolute idiot. Like, he genuinely offers nothing and what he does offer is just blatant partiality to one team. When he was slating Cabaye for getting injured in that game, saying he went down too easily, and even as the stretcher came on he was saying 'nah, was a soft tackle, gone down too easily for me, needs to get on with it.' Even when Cabaye left the pitch on said stretcher, at no point did he actually say 'well he actually looks like he is hurt, my apologies' (which i would have respected), but just continued his spiel saying 'get him off the pitch the game needs to go on'. I remember him also in the same game sledging us for not having our subs ready in time (which we did i think someone was tying the strings on their shorts)... i was like, are you for fucking real?!! Has your banality resorted to this? One more thing as well that has just sprung to mind. I recall watching a game a few seasons ago when a player got sent off and he said (something along the lines of) 'see, i dont like that, he's just gone down straight down the tunnel without even acknowledging his team mates or watching the rest of the game with them. Bad form.' Didn't he know that a player sent off MUST leave the pitch and pitch side? How close to the game can someone get who is so dangerously ignorant of it? Answer: Ray Wilkins.
  14. I'd throw in Ray Wilkins as well, if only for his commentary last season when we played QPR at home. Couldn't actually believe he had a job in media after that.
  15. couple of interesting responses though, like this one, which i think is fair enough: There's a lot of the ex-Liverpool lot in the media, on highlight shows, radio shows and as commentators. Do you think you're over-represented? And do their affections for their old club stop them from being balanced? I think we are over-represented, but in many ways it works against us. If you listen to them pipe on most either don't know much about Liverpool these days and are highly critical of us because they think we should be winning everything like we did when they were playing.
  16. Aye I know. But a couple of responses made me laugh a bit: Last sentence of this- There's a lot of the ex-Liverpool lot in the media, on highlight shows, radio shows and as commentators. Do you think you're over-represented? And do their affections for their old club stop them from being balanced? Save me from ex-Liverpool in the media. If they had any guts they'd be managing sides and that would have done Liverpool FC far more good than them sitting on couches trying desperately to fulfil the BBC's unbiased commentary remit by slagging us off unnecessarily. A lot of dislike on here is reserved for Lawrenson and Whelan, but Hansen is the one that gets me. He couldn't even stand up for his best mate Kenny during or after the Suarez nonsense. And this: Papers have Suarez on the back pages a lot, however it's more-often the bad side of his character that draws attention. Not getting into the racism debate again, but what of his other antics? The diving and the fouling; is it just part of his game that you have to accept in order to get the brilliance? (I'm aware there are other dirty players and other diving players, I'm specifically asking how Liverpool fans feel about the negative side of Suarez' game) I absolutely adore every fucking side of him and wish we could clone him. He's a fighter and a winner. Couldn't care less what other fans are thinking. H
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