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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Fucks sake man. Just get it in the net!
  2. what the fuck is going on? Just fucking lost the plot
  3. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/video/2013/apr/04/billy-bragg-paolo-di-canio-video
  4. Reposted from other thread but whatever, I see that the conversation is in both threads and ive just spend a while collecting some strand of logic to how I feel about all of this. That Philpott's psychopathy and fundamental, extremist attitudes to, and treatment of, women has been overlooked and replaced for a discussion regarding the benefits system in a shameless attempt at political point-scoring by the Daily Mail and then one George Osborne, is perhaps the most thoroughly depressing, absurdist statement/ntion that has come from this government. By disregarding the core element - and, possibly, catalyst - of the tragedy (Philpott's abusive treatment of, and views on, women, which deserve an interrogation on a social level as many men hold similar alarming ideas, and a similar perspective on women), Osborne and the Daily Mail have aligned genuine disability, unemployment in a time of recession, and the benefit system with (and passively suggested it is a cause of) amongst other things psychopathy, brutality, the degradation of humanity, and general amorality. So fucked up, so wrong, so very sad and what's worse is that I can do absolutely fuck all to rectify the irrationality of the situation. The shamelessness of it man, it's almost comical. :/ Also, very interesting read: http://shouldireadthedailymail.com
  5. Also, some really interesting, impartial articles on the validity of the Daily Mail as a newspaper and objectively discussing 'Should I read the Daily Mail?': http://shouldireadthedailymail.com
  6. That Philpott's psychopathy and fundamental, extremist attitudes to, and treatment of, women has been overlooked and replaced for a discussion regarding the benefits system in a shameless attempt at political point-scoring by the Daily Mail and then one George Osborne, is perhaps the most thoroughly depressing, absurdist statement/ntion that has come from this government. By disregarding the core element - and, possibly, catalyst - of the tragedy (Philpott's abusive treatment of, and views on, women, which deserve an interrogation on a social level as many men hold similar alarming ideas, and a similar perspective on women), Osborne and the Daily Mail have aligned genuine disability, unemployment in a time of recession, and the benefit system with (and passively suggested it is a cause of) amongst other things psychopathy, brutality, the degradation of humanity, and general amorality. So fucked up, so wrong, so very sad and what's worse is that I can do absolutely fuck all to rectify the irrationality of the situation. The shamelessness of it man, it's almost comical. :/
  7. Cracking ball through from Alves.
  8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/quiz/2013/apr/02/brendan-rodgers-david-brent-quotes-quiz
  9. Just finished watching The Sopranos. Had seen the ending before on those 'greatest tv moments' kinda shows. The best TV series I've ever seen. Writing is flawless and the acting is mesmerising. Never thought anything could better Twin Peaks but I think Sopranos has just pipped it. Just perfect.
  10. ADP


    Kone from Wigan would be handy for another option up front.
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