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Everything posted by ADP

  1. Any one know anywhere decent in town where I could pick up a second hand bike for cheap? The only place I know of that is Recyke Y'Bike in Byker, though could do with other options if possible. 200 quid budget. Cheers
  2. First episode since the final ones have begun to air that I thought wasn't very good. Pacing was terrible and seemed like the entire episode was just stalling.
  3. http://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/1l3x1p/the_realization_thread/cbvsxp9
  4. A good read: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maureen-ryan/breaking-bad-recap-confessions_b_3806755.html side note:
  5. Because I'm absolutely convinced that it is going to happen! and (spoiler removed!) that something bad might happen to Flynn/Walter Jr. that involves a car. More specifically, that he will die in the Challenger Walt bought him.
  6. And this: http://www.wired.com/underwire/2013/08/breaking-bad-blood-money-recap/ I'd love to see
  7. This theory is cool: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/this-breaking-bad-theory-is-pretty-mindblowing
  8. I thought Jonas was shite yesterday. The difference between him and Ben Arfa tracking back to help defensively is absolutely ridiculous. Leaving Santon on his own over and over again to deal with a two on one down the wing. He put in a decent cross or two, but that doesn't cancel out his defensive misgivings imo. Things I took from the game yesterday: - Confidence on the ball seemed a lot better than last season. - That said, there was very little active penetration with the ball. Barring Sissoko's thread through to Cisse in the first half, I thought we lacked any creativity in the midfield whatsoever, yet again waiting for Ben Arfa to do some magic. - Took an age and a day to switch the play. Like join the dots or something. - Cisse seemed isolated and linkup play with midfield and attackers was pretty non existent. - I don't know what he has been eating, but Ben Arfa looked HUGE yesterday. (Santon looked heavy as well). - Coloccini looking like a rock as ever. - FINALLY a goal from a corner. - Cabaye looked so disinterested with his game. I know it was a friendly an all, but just didn't seem to give a remote shit.
  9. Aye I just saw that on BBC, interesting. Think it'll take a while to dissipate into the calm they perceive though, if it ever does. What is the legislation in place currently in Netherlands? I am going to Amsterdam in a couple of weeks and know that they were considering a 'Dutch nationals only' law last year. Did that go through?
  10. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7db_1374525179
  11. Great performance by Murray, chuffed for him.
  12. ADP


    Absolutely. Would not be surprised if it had been a sound man who bought him the first pint.
  13. Massive game that.
  14. ADP


    Some of the comments on that page are horrible.
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