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Everything posted by guttierrors

  1. no, human, and a supporter and fan , is their a distinction depending on how much money you,ve spent? leazes?
  2. embarrassing. How much have you paid in the last 4 years, and the next 3 to "see the team lose every week". Coming from someone who is a self proclaimed smart lad, that is incredibly desperate and juvenile. am I less of a supporter because I dont attend matches? ridiculous position for an argument tbh
  3. obertan had a good game and has progressed well since his goal, this is a thread about obertan isnt it?
  4. The midfield seemed invisible in the first half, wont lay blame on a player but they stuck at it and 2 good goals, do we go fifth if chelsea win?
  5. bullshit, obertan played well and tracked back give him a chance man, ben arfa aint wide right anyway
  6. first half I thought centre mid was over ran and passed around, raylor is a talisman but I thought obertan was good since he came on and cisse,s tekkers was fantastic
  7. obertans gaining confidence, well done lad
  8. lots of people seem to think this will be difficult and although they have a decent front line, if we go 4-4-2 and play a demba I think we,ll piss on these fools
  9. not holding the ball up front obviously putting more pressure on midfield and defence, am sure raylor is a talisman for us tho
  10. He was cut down by dodgy tackles several times, he may have lost his rag although this isnt the first time its been seen, no intent and no injury so hopefully the fa will let it go
  11. oh dear, mass effect 3 then thanks bud
  12. hello, i,m still playing fifa 11 and tryiny to get the accomplishments, fifa 12 reccomended? same lvl up system for your pro?
  13. acn finished for ba and cisse now think he,ll adapt to the game because of the type of player he is, I think this is where our scouting plays a key role not neccesarily what league your from as you could say metersacker at arsenal shite nd suarez awesome
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