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About paddy

  • Birthday 10/01/1975

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  • Location
    blackburn (org Hexham)

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  1. someone put a hole in their knees didn't they??
  2. do we still have the turbowank emoji?? #oldskool
  3. Could we not chuck up one of those temp grounds like at the WC (in Leazes park or Town Moor) then knock down and rebuild SJP
  4. Big thanks to @Andrew for resetting my account, will start catching up on the messages now, its been a while ladies and gents
  5. Fuck! You can fight it ya big daftie, sending best wishes buddy
  6. paddy


    thanks for the update Cath x seems silly but its been ages since i was on here, i've spent the last 3 hours just reading past threads and catching up with everything,
  7. paddy


    RIP Jon a true awld timer on here, take care fella xx
  8. Spiderman has finally lost the battle of the bulge!
  9. paddy


    right time on the central heating timer for me
  10. Cath, do we need to do anything tonight??????
  11. just started reading the RTG replies lol, "they cant even beat nine men" feck me do they not realise cuntamole was sent off after final whistle, tools
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