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Everything posted by theacademic

  1. Due to the response from earlier research, I've just started phase 2 of a university research project looking at whether Britain is regressing to a less civil state with less social constraint and more casual aggression. The questionnaire is live at [link removed] and as you’ll see, the questions are very current. One of them focuses on the current arguments surrounding the welfare system, for example. It should only take you a couple of minutes and thanks in advance.
  2. Survey still live for anyone who has a spare few minutes: http://www.topfan.co.uk
  3. Thanks to those who have completed the survey. It's still live at http://www.topfan.co.uk
  4. thanks to those who have completed the survey: http://www.topfan.co.uk
  5. Thanks for the comments guys and thanks to those who have completed the survey: http://www.topfan.co.uk
  6. I've just started another research project looking at whether Britain is regressing to a less civil state with less social constraint and more casual aggression. The questionnaire has just gone live at http://www.topfan.co.uk and as you’ll see, the questions are very current. Is British society going through what sociologists would refer to as a de-civilising trend? Have your say in the survey and thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks to those who have completed the quick 1-minute survey.
  8. As many of you know, I have been conducting research on the latest incidents of racism in football and whether this is a new phase or has been present for a number of years. Today (Friday) John Terry has been removed as captain of England ahead of his court appearance in July. I'm interested to know what you think of this and whether Terry should go to the European Championships. I've set up a 3-question survey that will take you less than a minute to complete - just go to: http://www.topfan.co.uk Thanks in advance.
  9. Recently, I have been involved in large-scale academic research on Staffordshire University’s Topfan research platform concerning the topic of racism in football. To date, we have received over 1500 responses and due to the response from phase 1 we have set up a phase 2 that only asks one question. It will take you less than a minute and is available at: http://www.topfan.co.uk Thanks in advance.
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