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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. Yep,and BUJ7 got a few minutes game time in case Wilson is out for a few weeks.
  2. He fooled the ref into thinking the cynical foul was due to an injury.He actually walked off the pitch for extra effect.
  3. No doubt SKY will quickly turn their attention to the Tottenham v Man City so I doubt if we’ll see any highlights.
  4. That’s what I’m saying.Clark could have at least attempted to block the shot but he intentionally slows up to allow the shot.
  5. With reference to the Wist Airm goal,does ‘interfering with play’ not apply now?
  6. Let’s hope he chucks in a transfer request,or better still,refuses to play until say Linfield come in for him.
  7. Rafa’s scouse makems winning has fucked the weekend up for the real makems.
  8. ‘Sorry,we didn’t received your fax in time ‘
  9. I don’t know what’s more surprising,Willock signing or Wilson not leaving.Still time I suppose for Wilson to leave.
  10. Whether we sign him or not in time to play against Wist Airm,the excuse is there for Brucey when we get beat off Wist Airm.’The on off transfer of Willock upset our preparation.’
  11. I’m hoping that’s Brucey’s plan but I’ve yet to see it
  12. Plan A.Select two players who want to get in the box ( Wilson and Willock) Plan B.Get balls into the box. Will Brucey have another plan?
  13. Wilson,Gayle,Rondon.Is everyone forgetting BUJ7 as a striker because he’s relinquished the famous number 9 shirt.
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