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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. If we get beat at Fulham,and a likely defeat against Massive Citeh next Saturday to come,we could be in the bottom 3.
  2. Some makems are putting his name forward to be the next manager when O'Neil does a runner.He took them down in 2005/6 so it would be nice to see a double relegation on his cv.
  3. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think it's 24 games since the makems beat 11 men in the league.
  4. I remember when a jockey a few years ago simply jumped off the horse near the end of the race.Derek Thompson,the voice of horse racing said ` He's a young jockey.He won't do that again', and that was the total criticism .Detori was done a few years ago for being in possession of drugs.That was probably the first time as well.This bloke must be as unlucky as the makems.Once in possession and he's caught and caught with drugs in his system after taking drugs for the first time.How unlucky is that.
  5. Is the giro still the official currency on tearside
  6. He has made A MISTAKE if this is the only time he has taken this unknown drug.We were told Dwain Chambers had made A MISTAKE. I wonder what the odds were/are on failing a drugs test having only once taking drugs.Only the makems would have this amount of bad luck !!!
  7. Does he mention who occupied the west bank between 1948 and 1967
  8. ` a reward for the assault on Gaza'. Does anyone really think it was awarded on those grounds.
  9. The drink driver has let this myth continue for 10 years whist knowing it was a lie.Bring up the Shearer testimonial money with a makem then STRIKE when they repeat the 10 year old lie.
  10. `Quinny was the first footballer to donate all the money.Shearer wouldn't have dared keep the money' the makems have bleated for years.Not correct because Gary Kelly donated his money to charity a week before the ex-makem drink driving chairman.And it was after 15 years service,not 6.And it was a game totally with charity in mind,not a warm-up/friendly game for a country soon to head off to play in the 2002 world cup.It must also have helped the 35 year old makem's inclusion in the squad.
  11. They scored a deflected free kick and O'Shea should have received a second yellow but they have no luck you know.They've won 2 in 20.One against 10 men and the other against 9 but they have no luck you know.
  12. Larry Hagman was in The Eagle Has Landed and the water mill in the film is also on the front cover of Black Sabbath LP by Black Sabbath.Just letting you know man
  13. Here is a bloke who brings nowt to MOTD.Never does a programme go by without this cockney know-nowt commenting on an excellent performance from at least one foreigner ` We/i looked at him x amount of years ago and i/we would have loved to sign him but .........'.No you didn't Harry so stop this nonsense.Venables was/is the same.` I remember when Messi was 3 weeks old.I said then that he would become the best player in the world.I wanted to sign him but his heart was set on playing for Barca'. Two cockney know-nowts with 2 FA Cup wins between them in 30+ years in management.
  14. Criminals chasing criminals.That's what we have now isn't it.
  15. I don't know if it's true but i was told that the treatment centres that the HFH are financing,with the first having been built in Catterick,are immediately handed over to the RBL,and they then have to find the money for the day to day running. In my earrlier post,i should have said the HFH had the `do' in a local pub.
  16. Don't Help For Hero's look after servicemen and women from the iraq and Afghanistan conflicts and the RBL all conflicts/wars.11th November is Poppy Day,yet a local pub had a `do' on the night of 11th for HFH.
  17. Referees rightly get stick because they cheat. Remember that 10 yard rule that was implemented a few years ago.If a player showed dissent,the ref would give the opposing team the option of moving the free kick 10 yards forward.This was brought in because refs were not punishing dissent,so the cheating refs decided not to give free kicks,just like before,so nothing changed.If referees stopped cheating,the game would improve.That makem centre half went through the back of Ba and never received a yellow card ( nor did we receive a free kick ) so the ref cheated us.Larson's kung fu kick on Shola should have been a yellow card.The cheating ref never produced a yellow so we were cheated.Sterling's challenge last Sunday warranted a yellow card.He never got one so the ref cheated us.
  18. I try not to use bad language. 1 win in 17 and still some feel Marty is above criticism.
  19. It's just been pointed out on a makem messageboard that the smb have the least amount of goals in the prem.Least amount of shots on target,and off target,least corners won and the most corners conceded.I never realised they were that sh1te.
  20. So could Ba be their player of the month for october
  21. Has he not accused any of the boro backroom staff of going into the officials dressing room at halftime.
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