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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. I don't know anyone who shops in sunderland who lives outside the area.Is the place full of £1 shops and charity shops.Are there locals on street corners selling Primark snides.
  2. Alfred N'Daye.aka the makem `Sissoko' 5/10 in the Sunday Sun `Has the physical attributes but can be unsure what to do in possession'.Hehe !! Danny Graham. 6/10 in the Sunday Sun `He led the line well and almost got to a dangerous cross..' ALMOST .Hehe !! Adam Johnson 4/10 in the Sunday Sun `Another game of anonymity and his set-pieces were terrible'.Hehe !! They do make me laugh.Might be best if Ellis Short keeps away from quayside restaurants in Newcastle.We know what happened to Bob Murray
  3. Newcastle v Southampton thread rtg update. Started 8.57 am yesterday ( Sunday ) and the last post at 11.37 pm last night ( Sunday ) 48,354 views. They're not really bothered about us you know.
  4. It was started at 8.57 am today and at present it has had 27,992 views.Do they not have other things more important to think about. Silly silly me to think such a thing.
  5. 8 nights in France for me and the family.I wouldn't mind retiring there.
  6. Him with the beard might be Cuella and that could be Cattermole on the left.The others could be makem tab smugglers.
  7. `do you remember that olympics that happened last year ' lol
  8. `do you remember that olympics that happened last year ? ' lol
  9. March 6th at the Riverside Lodge .I saw them at the Stanley Music festival last September and they were excellent.Well worth seeing .Don't get confused with Wishbone Ash mind.
  10. No matter where you live at present or where you move to in the future,it will be better than living in sunlun
  11. And about time too.No more retiring before possible prosecution and joining other forces.And about time too. As for police officers with second jobs,should they be allowed to drive whilst on duty,because there must be a risk that fatigue could come into play during their shift,and speeding to incidents could cause extra deaths on our roads.
  12. The makem Sissoko hauled off again before the 70 min mark.Seems he's like Forest Gump when he's on,and probably not as good a footballer as young Gump.
  13. Well i might when we beat them,just to see how lucky we were and how unlucky they were.
  14. I'm struggling to find any articles in the media on french cliques that were to prove damaging at SJP.Then again,i don't reading the makem echo sports paper.
  15. It certainly looking more and more like that.Any news on his soccer schools in America.You know,one of the main reasons for his move to America.
  16. The makem `Sissoko'.Someone called N'Daye apparently.After his debut where he had a good game,he was classed as a good player ( this they always do ).He was hooked after less than 70 mins in his second game and received 5/10 in the Sunday Sun for his performance against Reading.Aye.It looks like they've unearthed another diamond.
  17. His agent must have noticed the state Gazza was in before the talk-in but probably allowed Gazza to take the stage so he ( the agent ) got paid.
  18. Does anyone know what the annual fees are for current players and ex-players.
  19. We seem to hear bad news,then good news, then no news, then along comes the bad news again and so it goes on and on and on and for many years this has gone on.Not for much longer methinks unfortunately.
  20. Maybe he was going to scoff it down and then head straight out on the lash ,in his dressing down.
  21. Why not keep it quiet.Has he received publicity by going public.Was he after publicity for `Brand Beckham' .
  22. It does look like a generous gesture,but are you totally convinced ? Any idea of what is happening with his USA soccer schools ? Why a french charity ?
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