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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. Bottom of the league but half of them are on the verge of the first team.You cannot beat experience I suppose.
  2. Sorry,I thought you had gone.I've admitted my grammar is poor.I await your admission.Night night x
  3. Looks that way.Shame because given time,I'm sure we could have become big friends.Oh well,bring on the next makem
  4. Posting every two minutes.You won't be able to keep that up,even with your bad grammar.
  5. Sounds like you're in bad fettle.People are laughing at you.Chill.It's not good for your health the way you're going on.Oh,and make your posts brief.Too much anger in everyone.
  6. And another thing.Have you sent your drink driving buddy a Happy Birthday card with loads of kisses added? Well have you?
  7. Your grammar is a mess,as is your defence for the makem behaviour,and don't tell me not to answer your questions or else. x
  8. I told you to make it brief.A lot of words from you regarding the issue that was a non-issue.I'm not being daft when i say i am not aware of many Newcastle fans being thrown of planes for being in a good mood.I was in no way trying to offend you by asking if you are a makem.My grammar is poor,i'll give you that.And yours?
  9. And another thing,being drunk and obnoxious is a tad more serious than being in a good mood .Agreed? Keep it brief because the more you say,the less sense it makes.
  10. It sounds like you are in bad fettle.I've already admitted i have wrongly linked two events.To bring it up again suggests you are struggle to hold your pro-makem end up.Yes it happened 9 years and it seems that you like myself haven't got over it. I am not aware of plenty Newcastle fans being thrown of planes for being in a good mood.How long have you been a makem?
  11. So they deserved to be thrown of the plane and were rewarded by receiving a lift home to makemland free of charge,paid for by someone who witnessed the incident.Would you have gone down the route of compensation if you had been asked to leave the plane because you believed the pilot had been in a bad mood? I don't know where this bad fettle or bad mood has come from.The drink driver witnessed their behaviour so he could have paid the taxi fares of the innocent makems. Aye.Microwave.Nee fat and nee water .The way to go.
  12. No sauce for me.The bread must be white with lots of butter and the bacon done in the microwave .
  13. So you are assuming the pilot was in bad fettle and that due to his bad fettle he refused to fly the plane because some passengers were in a good mood. Right.That's that sorted. The drink driving question .I'm new to you,aren't I?
  14. You are partially right and I am partially wrong.Appologies for that.The Easyjet incident wasn't on the same day as the disruption of the minutes silence to John Charles.Your failure to comment on the minutes silence suggests you are not aware of the incident.The fans behaviour resulted in the crew refusing to take off so to trivialise their actions by describing it as simply being in a good mood has me baffled.I've been in a good mood before take off but never been asked to leave the aircraft because of it.Maybe I've never flown with a pilot in 'bad fettle'. And yours view on drink driving are what exactly?
  15. 'Unless you've played the game' 'You'll know what I mean' from one ex-pro to another. Regular shite spouted by Ray Houghton.He used to present a golf show on talkshite.He struggled to reply to one caller who said ' but Ray,you've never played the game at a high level' Pundits watch the same game as me then point out what I've just watched.
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