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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. Does Big Joe’s contract state he has to play,if not injured,in every game of his second season? If it’s yes then 18th.
  2. NUFC 4 v 0 Feyenoord 11-9-1968 I was there when we trounced the dutch makems
  3. 100% spot on.Will they now have to miss any club games? Fuckin hope so.
  4. And what is Big Joe’s favourite role?
  5. Surprise surprise,most makems are again happy with the players they’ve brought in. Deluded Makem Bastards.
  6. 2 spaces? The keg on the right of the photo must be Big Andy’s.
  7. He’ll get over it by having a house party in a few days time.Yaya bringing a few friends
  8. The drink drivers autobiography especially the page where he describes getting spat on when he’s leaving the ground with his family , having being booed off during the game, when subbed ,for being shite.
  9. At least we don’t now hear knobhead ex-players telling us all players want to play .
  10. Is Jeff any relation to Jimmy,the yank guitarist?
  11. NUFC v SMB in County Durham. Darlington 90/10 Newton Aycliffe 70/30 Bishop Auckland 60/40 Spennymoor 60/40 Ferryhill 50/50 Durham 40/60 Sacriston/Langley Park 60/40 Chester Le Street 70/30 Stanley 80/20 Consett 80/20
  12. Ashley must realise that come Christmas when Brucey has us fighting relegation and Big Joe is still an ever present ,there will be no chance of getting over £300m.
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