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Everything posted by essembeeofsunderland

  1. Mina typifies Neverton.Shithouses.
  2. Defensively we did canny,considering Lascelles was in defence. Both fullbacks did very well,going forward and pushing into midfield.The little fat sub brought energy to the midfield and got stuck in.Why did Ashley tell Brucey not to bring Big Joe on?
  3. Another horrible weekend for the makems and one of their love-in clubs
  4. The commentator must have a few quid on the draw.
  5. Look what happens when someone sprints forward and he is given the ball.
  6. And he’s the hardest worker in the team by a long way.
  7. ‘Lucky mags marra.Never a pen lah marra’
  8. Gomez limping away couldn’t have helped the situation.
  9. You’ve took it on.I’ll leave it with you,thanks.I’m going back to ‘enjoy’ the match.
  10. They’re playing at half pace ( our full pace) so we’re quite comfortable.Will Big Joe be the difference?
  11. Give yourself another 45 mins to find out,you might as well miss all the game.Everyone else has accepted it,but not you.Good hunting x
  12. The drama queen has gone down again.
  13. The makem media,not me,thought he looked decent,as they did with Henderson.Try again.
  14. Oh so predictable.Start with a point and hold on to it.
  15. Oh,Pickford is dropped.Sorry I was thinking of Big Joe.
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