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Everything posted by Milly-Molly

  1. [ Most concerns over mobile phome emissions are purely theoretical and unlikely to affect anything. They are perfectly safe to use onboard an aircraft for instance, yet the airlines ban them. I suspect its to stop them annoying other passengers as much as anything. Obviously it's probably best to avoid them in an operating theatre, just in case they have an effect on instrumentation, no matter how low the risk is. But on the ward I really couldn't see a problem, apart from the fact they may be antisocial and stop patients recuperating properly. 57646[/snapback] Apparently mobile phones are safe to use in hospitals as they are on a diferent frequency. Also if you look at a lot of hospitals they now have phone masts on the roofs as this generates an income for the hospitals.
  2. I do agree, however being in the process of being taught anatomy at the moment...I would rather refer to a book. The pictures look nicer and its easier to carry a book in my bag!
  3. Sorry to hear that. You have my deepest sympathy.
  4. Getting back to the original thread...you would be suprised that some peeps do take them seriously (or maybe that was just me?) but i was new to them so.... Not so stupid now
  5. Theyre really cute. My kids want a kitten but no one to look after them in the day so maybe ill just show them yours and tell them that will have to do,lol. How old are they?
  6. Not one single person erm...stepfather but other than that not one single person.
  7. Just so long as I wasn't included in your generalisation. 55990[/snapback] No Brock you have always been a sweety to me. Might be a cheeky kid but never downright nasty.
  8. Ok i am grown up enough to admit that what i said was wrong. Not all members of the male species are complete wankers. I would like to apologise to anyone i upset. I dont have to justify myself but i was not in the best of moods when posted. I would also like to apologise to Steve for offering him out and calling him names. Unlike you Steve, i realise i know nothing about you and therefore it would be wrong of me to judge you by the things you post in the forum. Im sure you are a nice person really. Sorry once again.
  9. Excuse me (you fucking wanker) for expressing a bloody opinion! You seem to have a real fucking problem with me eventhough ive done fuck all to you (cocksucking twat) So lets take it outside and i can personally give you the pasting you are fucking asking for!! Oh and dont let the fact that im female and old deter you!
  10. Milly-Molly


    Thanks very much. Clicked on the copy to clip board and it worked. Still doesnt solve the problem of my mysteriously stretched toolbar though. It was fine but now its higher up and has the day date and time in the right hand whereas it used to only have the time. Bloody hate technology too baffling, should make it simpler...for women.
  11. Milly-Molly


    Can any one tell me how I can copy and paste a PDF file? I can open the damn thing but not possible to copy it. I have to fill in an online work book but it wont let me fill it in. Also anyone tell me why my toolbar at the bottom of the screen has gone funny on me and how do I get the flippin thing back how it was? Thanks.
  12. Agree NO MAN is worth it! Even if they do profess to love you half of the wankers dont know what the word means!!! 55466[/snapback] generalisation .... 55542[/snapback] No, the truth ( in my experience as i couldnt speak for everyone. However i was only expressing my personal opinion)
  13. I believe you mate. Was gonna blame it on your raging hormones but all the men on here the same so i cant,lol.
  14. Ok prog on ch5 and thy mentioned parts of the body they find attractive...a woman said she finds her old mans blanky dead sexy. What the f**k is a blanky??
  15. She is still in a bad way after you left her like that. Hospital say she will never be the same again, prob wont walk properly!
  16. Does your mother know the kind of mouth you have young man!! 55484[/snapback] She isn't in reet now so no. Young man? 55486[/snapback] Lmao, Brock i knew you when you were a baby...youll always be a kid to me
  17. Does your mother know the kind of mouth you have young man!!
  18. Paedo tbh 55470[/snapback] Brock...Fuck off!!! You know im not like that 55473[/snapback] the "" smiley didn't work when I clicked it 55478[/snapback] You can still fuck off!!! Oh and youre now off my christmas card list.
  19. Bulk buy mate save you and the rest of the lads on here a fortune especially Brock as he wears em out dead quick 55474[/snapback] Below the belt that! M & S is the only supermarket for me. 55475[/snapback] Yep Brock flashers usually operate from below the belt (you have come on in leaps and bounds since i havent been around)
  20. Bulk buy mate save you and the rest of the lads on here a fortune especially Brock as he wears em out dead quick
  21. Paedo tbh 55470[/snapback] Brock...Fuck off!!! You know im not like that
  22. I dont get what the point is with this one though. He was sentenced to 4 and a half years for armed robbery and served time albeit 2 years however if he was inside for the other 2 and a half then chances are he would have still killed someone, he would have come out, got pissed and argued with somebody then. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. 55468[/snapback] Try telling her family that.
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