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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Anyone have any idea what it's called?
  2. Paul

    Emre out

    FFS This has been waaay beyond a joke for some time now
  3. Hitzfeld would be the obvious choice, but he's not a geordie so the fat one won't go for him. I blame Terry Mac.
  4. Paul


    This thread is rediculous. The lad hasn't even played the equivalent of two full games for us yet.
  5. Paul


    And you know this how ???? Ignorant twat 57182[/snapback] The smell, mate. 57183[/snapback] What about Turkish Baths though? 57190[/snapback] A smokescreen. Or is it steam? 57191[/snapback] A proper Turkish Bath is the best most envigorating clean you'll EVER have, followed by a proper shave - sheer bliss Pampering for blokes 57214[/snapback] It's always struck me as a bit gay so I'm sure Gemmill would love it. 57234[/snapback] Turkish Delights were always lush as a kid ( I mean the proper cadbury's ones, not the rubish you buy in Turkey). Bit sickly now though, and bloody tiny for the price, you can get a twix which is basically 2 in 1 for less. 57247[/snapback] From a Newcastle player to twixes! While we're on the subject, I agree that real Turkish delights are rank, it pisses me off that anyone pretends otherwise. Give me Fry's any day. 57257[/snapback] I like both
  6. Paul

    My Dad

    Really sorry to hear that dude, can't imagine what you're going through RIP
  7. Agree NO MAN is worth it! Even if they do profess to love you half of the wankers dont know what the word means!!! 55466[/snapback] Bollocks.
  8. From Football365: http://www.football365.com/teams/newcastle...ry_166893.shtml Rob Styles is a joke tbh.
  9. My best mate is a mackem
  10. But surely if you're in an offside position, you're always going to be gaining an unfair advantage?
  11. How the fuck has JJ managed to get in there again... and ahead of Parker too
  12. Are you carrying a new torch for her Karl?
  13. http://www.sundaymirror.co.uk/sport/tm_obj...-name_page.html
  14. Paul

    Charver scum

    In January I was punched three times in the face by a chav, blood from my nose everywhere, had to go to hospital to get checked out etc. Something really has to be done about these bastards.
  15. http://home.skysports.com/list.asp?hlid=30...l=football_home
  16. Paul

    Service Pack 2 Problem

    Couldn't tell you mate, not recently I know that much. I'll try updating both my graphics driver and DirectX.
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