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Everything posted by SouthernMag

  1. you can take faulty items back ya knaaa rather take the missus oot, than splash out on something so overrated which an eyetoy can do just as well as
  2. v. true clee. same with headsets also, eyetoys/cheap ear pieces for the casual bunch and turtlebeach's for the hard-X-core 24/7 gamers
  3. So you'll wait til we're not doing well and then moan about it eh? Probably As well as a Toon fan, I'm also an SD employee. So. Yeahhhhhhh - Where's my SD title image icon?
  4. He spent 200mil on the Toon - he can call it whatever he pleases. I'd do the same As long as we continue to do well, I couldn't give a rat's arse
  5. The joke about Cheryl was awkward - Morgan had to laugh
  6. I never said I was any good at it like
  7. That's what I thought! It seems like just a massive map pack for MW2
  8. I'm really shit at defending on this game - still can't get used to the new settings So free XP if you play me
  9. SouthernMagpie on the PS3 Any FIFA boiz, add me
  10. We dont care hehehehehehehe You never know Deaderz, it may even be better than your much loved Playstation 3 system
  11. How are everyone's Movember tache's coming along?
  12. Prick Let's be honest though, the poppy means absolutely fuck-all once the likes of sports teams feel compelled to have it incorporated into their shirts as standard "because that's just what you do". What's the point of it if you're basically discouraged from actually thinking about what it stands for and what your attitude towards it is? It ends up being just another logo on a bit of corporate kit, and that's not right. No, you're just being a prick. Calling it fascism is grotesquely offensive to the veterans who gave their lives for YOU. It's really not. But they fought for my right to be a prick too, so hey, it's all good. It's also for current operations as well, not just the wars of the past
  13. Nah - no joke. I like to whore FIFA
  14. No wonder unemployment is so high in this country
  15. It's certainly not as competitive on the PS3 as it is on the Xbox Xbox's are for the hardcore/saddo gamers
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