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Everything posted by SouthernMag

  1. I could imagine you voting for the BNP. OT: Bit of a personal question, dont'cha think?
  2. Hooray - finally a 'big' game I can go to, which is local(ish) for me
  3. is there going to be such a thing? would be FANTASTIC
  4. An uncanny resemblence to Tim Krul on FIFA He is shocking on FIFA.
  5. £10 mil. He's worth more than that. Not gonna happen
  6. Do you reckon we'll finish above the Mackems this year? Otherwise we'll probably have even more dimbats visit the SD Arena with their banners whilst giving us all the two-fingered salutes Let's hope you're on a roll
  7. Of course you can! In the PS Store go to "view downloads" and reinstall it, if you've purposely or accidently deleted something that you've bought from PS
  8. The responses from children who have experienced being brought up in a gay household have been negative, whereby the only positive responses have come from adults. I think this says it all. It's the children that matter, not the parents. People just seem to be using this as another gay rights issue. Sorry, but what cannot happen naturally, should not be allowed to happen at all. It's unfair on the child. No matter how loving and caring the parents may be, that child will have to face people outside the home. Remind me when you knock back something that benefits you created by science or law etcetc, what an odd viewpoint. What about women/men who have a problem that means they can't have kids naturally then? should they be stopped from using surrogates or artificial insemination? or people who have become single parents for whatever reason should they then lose their child because they don't have the bog standard model of the nuclear family? So this is basically the road your taking "I'd like to bring my child up to know right from wrong, and have principles and be a decent human being without prejudices and to be indiscriminate....but then i'll teach them to discriminate against gay couples because I don't think it's right" If your a successful couple with a steady relationship and income and means to support a child but your gay you shouldn't have kids. If your a moronic teen going nowhere and on child number two through stupidity, work away as long as your straight. Are you religious by any chance? I just think being gay IS wrong. It's disgusting. God created Adam and Eve. NOT STEVE. It's not normal / natural! Love should only be between a man and a woman!!!
  9. The responses from children who have experienced being brought up in a gay household have been negative, whereby the only positive responses have come from adults. I think this says it all. It's the children that matter, not the parents. People just seem to be using this as another gay rights issue. Sorry, but what cannot happen naturally, should not be allowed to happen at all. It's unfair on the child. No matter how loving and caring the parents may be, that child will have to face people outside the home.
  10. quote me where I said you were!
  11. Read up above somewhere about homosexual parents. I'm a strong believer that parents should be heterosexual, i.e. a mother and father figure. Not saying gays can't be together or anything, I just think it's entirely unfair on the child and the poor bairn would suffer terribly from it. If you're gay - you shouldn't have kids!
  12. I'm looking forward to the day for when I become a father
  13. Why'd she do it? CT - you'll probably know!
  14. This isn't news, if the lion had broken free and eaten everyone - then it would have been news worthy
  15. Where you getting all these pics from? Keep 'em coming!
  16. There'd be a civil war, and I would shoot you--right in the sphincter. my first policy would be to deport all fat chicks and mingers out of this land and only the big busty barely dressed blondes can stay...
  17. If I ever rose to power - we'd be in an autocracy. can't stand democracies. fuck all gets done
  18. Can't say I'm surprised. Thing is would they have brought a DVD out if we'd won 2-0? It's not like we actually scored the third. £5.50 delivery... WHAT A JOKE
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