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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I really, really want some roast potatoes now. And it's only breakfast time. Bastids.
  2. Frozen roasts Makes crispy pancakes look like haute cuisine...
  3. No no, trust me, when it comes to me and things like this stating the obvious is the way to go! They should teach this kind of stuff in school or something. I feel so completely ill-equipped to deal with Actual Real Life
  4. You'd think, wouldn't you? Every other washing machine in places I've rented has had, well, something obvious like taps which even a retard like me could identify as something it might be useful to fiddle with. This one appears to be hooked straight up to the water pipe that disappears into the ground, and it's the join between the hose from the back of the machine and the pipe that's dripping. This state of affairs is probably not unconnected to the fact that the entire house is basically held together by 1890s plasterwork in the first place.
  5. This day started at about 3am with me discovering, on my way to bed, that the carpets around the washing machine were sopping wet. Cue a swift relocation of all the stuff that's stored there (thankfully nothing with a paper/card base), the stomping-down of towels to soak up the damp stuff, and the identification of a very slow leak/drip from a pipe/join around the back of the machine (plus more towels to smother that a bit). I know precisely sod-all about these things and the landlord doesn't think it's urgent enough to come and look at until Monday, or rather his two usual plumbers are busy today and he won't shell out for anyone else (and I certainly won't), so it's going to be a lovely weekend what with trying to bash together a self-assembly desk and set up the new PC whilst avoiding getting damp feet. I need a already...
  6. Not a bad idea actually. I've already done the easy consumer thing and got the lovely people at Novatech to put something together for me - it's only a once-every-six-years purchase, after all - but I've no plans to ditch this machine any time soon, so opening it up and having a wee play around might just be a viable second life for it.
  7. Nah, my mate built it to last. Two hamsters running in parallel. I could probably soldier on with it for a year or two longer and all, it's perfectly functional really, just getting outpaced a little on the whole multimeedja front. Of course, this will mean a close encounter of the Vista kind...
  8. i love the feel of a fresh pc! My current one was born in mid-2001, so this is going to be quite a culture shock
  9. Meenzer

    Suicide Notes

    Sod that. We're blatantly off to Kiev next year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awVHDMDAu0A
  10. Meenzer

    Suicide Notes

    Yeah, one of the crap Eurovision news sites picked up on that as well. Unfortunately, in their piece on it, they used a flag which was also wrong, just differently wrong. Oh well. Anyway, I think it only signifies distress at sea, and as Scooch are quite clearly flying through the air (or through someone's home computer, rather), I refuse to accept this as a news story of the same magnitude as, say, "Marija from Serbia to wear a suit on stage". They've recorded their song in various languages, you know. Or rather they've got people from Denmark, Bulgaria etc. to record the innuendo-laden talky bits for them so they don't have to learn the pronunciation. Except for the French version which they've done themselves. Never has the word "aujourd'hui" been mangled in such comprehensive fashion.
  11. 1. I've spent the evening digging through cassettes of crap music I made as a teenager... 2. ...and downloading all the software I want to install on my new PC. 3. This weekend will be non-stop new PC setup (and PC desk construction) hell. 4. In particular, I fully expect the wireless router to end up being hurled out of the window in a storm of expletives. 5. Radgina-style levels of drunkenness will be achieved upon successful completion.
  12. Monday night on the telly? I doubt it. Aye, good point.
  13. Meenzer

    Suicide Notes

    Surely yours would be more along the lines of: "Dear Mam I only done it, so they'd take the jump leads off me testicles"
  14. Any of you lot coming down to Reading, by the way?
  15. Meenzer

    Suicide Notes

    "Scooch made me do it"
  16. Just cranked up some Most Serene Republic to accompany tonight's stir-fry creations.
  17. Better than catching yourself I suppose.
  18. Like I say, it's a question of perspective. What you see as "justifying hypocrisy", I'd call "not seeing everything in black and white".
  19. That's an interesting point of view, but if you don't see the hypocrisy in the "pay someone else so I don't have to get my hands dirty" statement (although that wasn't actually my point, nor what I was referring to with hypocrisy ), do you see it in say 3rd world food production? I buy Fairtrade coffee so I'm doing my bit. Seriously though, I do know what you're saying - assuming I've managed to drag myself up to the level of understanding you this time - but I also think it's essentially impossible to live a functioning life in a western society without either directly exploiting someone else or indirectly benefiting someone who's involved in exploitation themselves. It's one thing if you bury your head in the sand completely, but I don't see what's to be gained by branding people for indulging in certain aspects of a modern lifestyle if they're aware of the cause-and-effect but have no realistic opportunity to change the status quo and the alternative is going without. Even if the third world produces for us and doesn't have enough itself - those are the mechanisms we have to function within. So if that's what you deem "hypocritical" then we just interpret the term with a slightly different nuance, I'd say. EDIT: And if your point was something completely different, you'd probably best stick to the poo jokes.
  20. I don't see what's hypocritical about it. We pay other people to slaughter animals so that we don't have to. How's that fundamentally different to, I don't know, using public transport rather than walking? I think you're allowed to reap the benefits of progress without being branded the H-word, much as I know you're very attached to it.
  21. TBH this 90% of this thread could have been written by BOTs or just scripted. Bank Of Thailand? British Overseas Territory? Balance Of Trade? Meenzer clearly knows his BOTS. It's important to know what you're getting yourself into. So to speak...
  22. I don't know much about Judaism but I assume it's because none of them are Orthodox?
  23. TBH this 90% of this thread could have been written by BOTs or just scripted. Bank Of Thailand? British Overseas Territory? Balance Of Trade?
  24. This thread needs gardening advices. Something about poo dung for example. This thread needs a healthy dose of SHUT UP.
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