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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. That rings a bell...where is it from? Very tame bu another one that made me chuckle was someone had scrawled 'BANG' on a sign so it now read "These toilets are BANG out of order". Mary Whitehouse Experience. And that one's cool.
  2. If he gets any more defensive, he can be our new left-back himself.
  3. She leave a number? Nah, just a photo of her cock Any good? Seen better on my mobile.
  4. She leave a number? Nah, just a photo of her cock
  5. "Dining out on eggs at Amen Corner"? OK, even I'm lost now
  6. One of the gents' cubicles on the 24-hour PC lab corridor at my uni had the following, rather matter-of-fact piece of graffiti: "Hi, I'm Claire. You might wonder what a girl is doing in the gents toilets. I'm being fingered by my boyfriend Dave."
  7. The trouble for Alonso now is that, even if he wins the title, everyone will remember this as the year he was thoroughly rattled by a rookie (even if Hamilton goes on to win a dozen drivers' titles of his own). He might as well throw in the towel now...
  8. I suppose he'll move to Super Aguri next year just as they decide to ditch the old Honda and use a cardboard box balanced on a unicycle instead, and we'll get to call him "unlucky" again.
  9. Take that decision to its logical conclusion and you shouldn't be allowed to advertise any kind of food. Or at least not without a 30-second "Other Foodstuffs May Be Available" list scrolling up the screen at the end of each ad. To paraphrase 93.8% of the posts on the BBC's "Have Your Say" pages after Bernard Manning kicked the bucket, "teh pc brigade will be happy tooday".
  10. Ahhh, monsieur, veez zees tea-time treets you are reely spoiling urs!
  11. Anyone know anything about this Baines fella? I've heard he might be moving to Newcastle.
  12. Works for me. The hubby's back from Belgrade now, but I'm not quite shackled to the kitchen yet.
  13. "Young players are a little bit like melons. Only when you open and taste the melon are you 100% sure that the melon is good. "Sometimes you have beautiful melons but they don't taste very good and some other melons are a bit ugly and when you open them, the taste is fantastic. "One thing is youth football, one thing is professional football. The bridge is a difficult one to cross and they have to play with us and train with us for us to taste the melon. For example, Scott Sinclair, the way he played against Arsenal and Man United, we know the melon we have."
  14. It's fair enough really - you're paying for the experience of sitting in the pub/café/etc. far more than you are for the product you consume. At least that's how I always see it. Don't really get the point of getting takeout coffee from somewhere like Costa if there's a cheaper local equivalent nearby though.
  15. Sun's shining, windows are open... Bob Dylan - I Want You, obviously.
  16. It's all a cunning plan to make you nostalgic for the General Random Conversation thread.
  17. Meenzer


    Bottomless cwaps o' cwaffee.
  18. Just a little something for your mantelpiece. The laydeez will love it.
  19. The weird thing is I don't actually mind Bewick Court (i.e. the one in the picture above). At least it's not as brutally grey as some of the surrounding lower-level buildings.
  20. Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?
  21. Meenzer

    Bernard Manning

    To be fair, your average Talksport listener (no offence ) - ie white van man - would find Manning's 'humour' right up their street imo. Having said that, I admit I don't know that the late-night shows attract the same audience as the rest of the stuff they broadcast. Well, I'm a talksport listener, and I wouldn't describe myself as a racist or a bigot, the folk I heard ring in tonight were not refering to his act, but were refering to the man himself and the acts of kindness, generosity and sacrifice the man made outside the public eye. At the risk of immediately losing the argument under Godwin's Law, Hitler made some bloody good motorways too.
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