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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Aye, looking forward to this like. Loaftastic.
  2. Yeah, I think it's the first time this has ever happened! You very lucky indeed! jesus you gota love sarcasm Yeah right.
  3. liar !!! I really don't! Sounds like a good night out though.
  4. Oi! I've serviced you quite enough already.
  5. Fair enough mate, it must get frustrating having to answer the same question over and over again. Like I say, though, I'm sure we'd all (well, most of us) like to help out more actively with stuff, it's just there's only a select few who are capable of actually doing something about it. As far as I know anyway. Or maybe it's only me whose HTML expertise just about stretches to making a page that says "Hello my name is Martin" on a nice coloured background, and I urgently need to expand my skill set. I'm babbling. That never helps. Mind, it might make things more entertaining around here. General Random Conversation anyone?
  6. (...I don't even know what that means.)
  7. I was going to say like, how exactly is "it'd be nice if the arcade could be brought back" a lazy suggestion when the person suggesting it hasn't the slightest clue about programming? If we're only allowed to suggest things that we can actively participate in implementing, then I hereby offer my services as a German-English translator*, since I'm sure that'll be in hot demand on here. *Offer limited to users with more than 50 posts who chirp up at least once a day, naturally.
  8. Too many people fucking moaning and doing fuck all about it tbh. People are happy to leave the starting of threads to you and Ritchie. If that's the way they want it, they should stop complaining that the forum is quiet. In my opinion, the reason why this board is quiet is because people are afraid to argue; every bit of abuse is frowned upon. Well said, I don't disagree one bit, shame you didn't say it earlier rather than that facetious snipe at Radgina. Just trying to get a bit of an argument going, surely? It's for the good of the forum!
  9. Quick, someone change the header from "Toontastic" to "Teentastic" and all will be complete!
  10. With quality banter like this, how can we fail?
  11. Oh, and the link contains some links to gay.com and sites of that nature, so I suppose a "NSFW" tag should be applied. Nowt dodgier than a bare chest though.
  12. Thought this was quite interesting: http://outsports.com/nfl/2005/0301nflshopnaughtywords.htm Somehow I can't quite imagine spending good money on a shirt only to have "LOVE GOO" or "PUBIC LICE" emblazoned on the back...
  13. The Fopp that recently went bust? A mere coincidence I'm sure.
  14. Making money from commercial success is so 14th century though.
  15. Leigh and Alex? Suspiciously unisex names there...
  16. Encroaching on my turf tbh. Brock was mine first.
  17. "I am exemplifying the tired stereotype of the Irish by being extremely inebriated at this juncture. To be sure."
  18. Viduka: "I thought you said you'd signed Craig Bellamy to play alongside me..."
  19. C'mon, it saves him starting a LiveJournal or something. We're doing the wider world a favour.
  20. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=JzqumbhfxRo Ferkin :razz:
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