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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Nothing to add but yes, I was impressed with his professional attitude. I think he's a manager that will command respect and as a tactician he is second to none. Last week you were getting a bit depressed/negative about next season, but you say you're reassured after last night. Was he that impressive? I wish I'd fucking gone! I was impressed actually, and so was Tom by the sounds of it. Mind, I got there for 5 to get a seat and was a wee bit pissed by the time he came on at 7.30! On the lash with two halves of shandy again?
  2. Meenzer

    Full Moon

    no it goes down as all the police on the streets can see better.............. What police? The ones you can't see when it's not a full moon.
  3. Oh, I don't mind the quiet. That's what I'd go for. I know that everywhere (and I mean everywhere - even the pubs) close all day on a Sunday. I considered flying to Aberdeen and hiring a car but if I had the time I might consider driving all the way to Ullapool. Not sure when I'll get there though but it looks stunning from what I've seen. It's not a patch on Alpha Centauri though.
  4. Some posters even manage to be both.
  5. Meenzer

    Mike Reid

    Best tribute I could dredge up: http://download.yousendit.com/A88DF5D608F19F09
  6. Ferk me, that's understatement of the "Fumaca isn't the most talented Brazilian I've ever seen" variety, to say the least...
  7. Signed him And him Freddie's been executed He's been executed
  8. http://www.radiorewind.co.uk/history_of_radio_1_details.htm That covers it fairly well I reckon. Radio 2 took over as the most popular station in 2001 - I remember it being a big thing at the time.
  9. He's right Meenzer. Right, that does it. Just for that, I'm going to get my stuff together, hop on a train to Newcastle and go out on the piss tonight. You'll see.
  10. Fuck me. There's pwnage, and there's being shat on by Rob. The shame.
  11. When did "drinks from 4pm" turn into "drinks at 4pm sharp"? Mysterious, that.
  12. I think I'm going to start pronouncing "Patro©kles" to rhyme with "grockles", Toonraider/West Country wench-style. Patraaaaaaaaaaaaaackles. It's very satisfying.
  13. A fridge's worth of parma ham, mozzarella and rosé wine.
  14. Foreskin, give us a song! Foreskin, Foreskin, give us a song!
  15. Gawd, for a moment there I thought GHoeberX was back.
  16. The Wonderstuff - On The Ropes The Frank and Walters - After All
  17. Meenzer


    Yep! ....off Shinton.
  18. Would've been funnier if she was a Scouser.
  19. Fair enough like. Always nice to have options, just so long as you've a vague idea of where you're going beyond that. Not that I ever had one and I've ended up alright, so hey. And you can shut it, Renton - we've got trees and everything!
  20. All I'll say is there's some pretty good places to live if you're not frightened of wandering off the beaten track a little - I see so many students sticking religiously to places on the nearest/most direct tube/bus route to their campus, when they could be saving money and/or getting a much better place just by doing a bit more research. But then I live sahrf of the river and just off the tube map (though still in zone 2), so I would be trumpeting the virtues of the lifestyle (such as it is). So ignore me. What unis/courses are you eyeing up, anyway?
  21. It's German-style. "Chelsea London" and all that.
  22. Cath writes like that at the best of times, mind.
  23. Howay man, it's not the most exciting part of the world but "slum" is pushing it Maybe not all of it, but it certainly looks terrible when I've been through there. Do you live there? Sort of - I live in the borough but not in Lewisham proper. It's where I go shopping though. The centre's a bit rough around the edges but I find it does the job. Mind, I'd never dare to claim my standards are particularly high.
  24. If it's St. Nick's, something tasteful like would probably be more like it... In unrelated news, work have just given me stuff to do. For the whole day. What's going on?
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