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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Including the magenta dot. Very good.
  2. I recommend the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis, by the way.
  3. Automatically voided anything you have ever said or ever will say about music . Forever. Your general attitude of nihilism, cynicism and skepticism renders your opinion on any subject void. And cockendism.
  4. Off to the athletics at Crystal Palace tonight, then dragging myself out of bed at some ungodly hour tomorrow morning to head off to Sweden for a few days and see the family.
  5. Didn't even realise I was that close! I think it would be fitting if I hit that milestone today. So that's what I'll do. And aye, Smithers Jones for a short while on one of the temp boards. Ahhh, happy days. I'm getting all weepy. Eyes or bedsores?
  6. I was going to say, he's bound to stop at 19,999....
  7. There's no need for his punishment to be that harsh.
  8. "...and people like me have the freedom to look like a right wazzock."
  9. Hope you didn't illegally download it though!! Why no, I bought it from my local oriental music store.
  10. Sun Yan Zi - Wo yao de xing fu If we can have oriental films, I'm cranking up a bit of oriental music as accompaniment.
  11. That kind of download is never legal. Only if you're a celebrity doing it for 'research' purposes. Or a washed-out 70s glam rock....oh wait.
  12. That kind of download is never legal.
  13. After years of over paying for music the emergence of MP3s has been a God send. Take petrol, for example. We're getting fucked on petrol. If an illegal petrol pump was available, giving you free petrol, and it was totally undetectable that you'd used it. How many of you would still pay for petrol? Would your conscience eat at you that the multi billion dollar oil industry and our govt was losing your 95 pence per litre? Aye and if everyone did it then other taxes would go through the fucking roof wouldn't they? Yes they would. So you'd feel guilty, as an individual? I'd feel a bit daft when I couldn't run my car any more because the petrol ran out after everyone took it for nowt, I imagine.
  14. After years of over paying for music the emergence of MP3s has been a God send. Take petrol, for example. We're getting fucked on petrol. If an illegal petrol pump was available, giving you free petrol, and it was totally undetectable that you'd used it. How many of you would still pay for petrol? Would your conscience eat at you that the multi billion dollar oil industry and our govt was losing your 95 pence per litre? I'd feel sorry for the poor brown people having to grow and harvest all those oil trees and not even getting their 0.37p in the pound for their troubles.
  15. What, we're expected to pay for our jingles? Ridiculous. Seeeee the world..........through a BUDGET window! Come home.....to a BUDGET door! You know you've made the right choice, no one gives you mooore...... classic :icon_lol:
  16. *scoots over to dodgycommiemp3.ru and sets downloading guns to 'massacre'*
  17. Six million a season, maybe...
  18. True like. i reckon we need a squad of at least 50 players. I reckon we need to construct a squad of robots.
  19. Well I can sort of see the resemblance. Bear in mind that I haven't seen the lad since we were 17 or 18 or something, mind, so he could be beer-bellied and balding for all I know.
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