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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Work have given me the afternoon off in lieu of some early-morning shenanigans yesterday, so I'm going to try and nail the rest of my Christmas shopping. Then I've somehow been roped into going to see a student production of Jesus Christ Superstar tonight.
  2. Might wait and see if they get reduced by after the weekend. Three chocolates on the first day!
  3. Speaking of which, this could be a decent little stocking-filler for the nostalgia-obsessed person in your life who just won't grow up (i.e. yourself, if you're anything like me ): http://www.amazon.co.uk/TV-Creams-Toys-Pre...3879&sr=8-1
  4. Westbam the techno DJ? Aye. Can't find the lunatic live performance, which involved a troupe of fascist-looking robotic backing dancers stomping around the place, but this is the video clip: Bucks Fizz it ain't...
  5. He must explode every time Chris Tarrant says "We'll find out... after the break".
  6. Westbam & Afrika Islam - Dancing With The Rebels This would have been the most patently ridiculous thing ever to hit the Eurovision stage. I suspect televisions would have exploded around the continent.
  7. Meenzer

    Alright lads

    Martin stop trying to sense out any new meat. I see Smooth Operator got there first anyway. Poor lad will have an inbox overflowing with cock pics before long.
  8. Meenzer

    Alright lads

    Alright mate, welcome to the show. Just promise us you have better fashion sense than wor Jonny.
  9. Weensy bit hypocritical for Holy Moly to be having a go, but I do see how there's a fine line between acceptable and unacceptable. Definitely not the kind of thing I'd expect from an august publication such as Heat, anyway.
  10. Is Martins sat in the back seat? I hope Jimbo's got a booster seat for him if so. Its got wheelchair access at the back. That's Viduka and Ameobi catered for too then. Smashing!
  11. Is Martins sat in the back seat? I hope Jimbo's got a booster seat for him if so.
  12. Rammstein - Mutter The height of sophistication. Rein! Raus!
  13. Two own goals and a fluked cross, mind.
  14. Casting the line into deeper waters? Keep at it, you'll get a catch soon enough. deadly serious, tbh About as realistic as you getting your end away with Elisha Cuthbert, tbh
  15. Makes sense. I presume Gary Speed fulfilled that kind of role for Allardyce at Bolton.
  16. All that and turning into a nation of gay Lithuanian street-sweepers (plus omnipresent chav underclass). It's going to be a tough century.
  17. Bring on the first £500,000 studio apartment in this scabby South London street. With the dollar being so weak, I'd seriously consider moving to the States if it wasn't for, well, having to live in the States...
  18. The Loud Family - Plants And Birds And Rocks And Things
  19. He's a fine figure of a short baldie with dubious fashion sense.
  20. Dexy's Midnight Runners - Don't Stand Me Down
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