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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Fuck 'em, they obviously have too much money in the first place.
  2. Aye, about time we did something like this. No doubt the Mackems will compare it to them sending free tickets to schools mind.
  3. Teaching. I know plenty of people who love it, but I know I'd just end up wanting to throttle the little bastards.
  4. You can pretty much stop reading the piece right there. Why are otherwise rational people such idiots when it comes to Christmas?
  5. The other way round though.
  6. 37 - no more, no less. But 24 in a built-up area.
  7. Meenzer

    Get Them Out

    I'm getting a sense of deja vu...
  8. Meenzer


    I was always confused because I thought thhe word should have been insaner. Little did I realise it was simple gobbledegook. Had myself thinking of other gobbledegook in song. What the fuck does "tek fly boss wok jam nitty gritty" mean? Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the fandango Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball
  9. Nah. A bit too Itchski and Scratchski for my liking.
  10. Smith didn't play right midfield though?
  11. Can't be arsed to read the previous ten pages, but that was much better. Let's hope we build on it at the weekend.
  12. Honestly, you go away for a couple of hours... No, I'm not, erm, partnershipped. It feels like the sort of thing that Older Gays do. (Shut up. )
  13. Police Question Canoe-dling Couple. Ey? Ey? Deceitful Couple Caught Out By Dodgy Insurance Scam (Also, Boating Pun)
  14. Already back in the charts again, where it belongs. In fact there's going to be 7 or 8 old Christmas songs in the top 40 this weekend, keeping out a number of this year's pretenders to the throne. God bless the download age.
  15. Barred for farting again? Not me i sit near the door Funny enough had Bran and fruit for breakfast Then you'll not be short of a stool at the Trent for once.
  16. Is it wrong that the first objection that came to my mind was "But I never had a bunk bed"?
  17. Pixies - Monkey Gone To Heaven Waxing lyrical about the awesomeness of this song is like saying we're not playing great football at the moment - stating the completely fucking obvious - but it's still true, even the best part of (gulp) two decades later. Time for a bit of karaoke screaming, I think.
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