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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I was going to hire a Ka for my trip back home in March if I couldn't get a decent train fare.
  2. Oh well, at least we won't be the biggest giant-killing of the round if we do lose. Bring it awn!
  3. It's no Sim City on the Amstrad CPC.
  4. Meenzer


    I love that advert. I particularly love the fact that people hated it so much that they invented a rumour about the kid topping himself. And not in a "sugar frosting" sense.
  5. I'm just disappointed this doesn't involve him singing lead vocals for a dodgy Danish pop act.
  6. Now there's two words that are guaranteed to provide a bit of perspective. Remember, lads and lasses, no matter how poor-to-average we might be at the minute, at least we're not playing with Andreas Andersson up front.
  7. Meenzer


    Still disappointingly snow-free here, although the boiler's packed in, so that'll add to the wintry mood.
  8. Barely feels like one, strange "week" really. Also, my sleep pattern's spectacularly fucked. Night.
  9. Meenzer


    If they'd finished the sentence "because getting snowed on is dangerously close to actually having a wash", that'd have been a decent bit of snarkiness.
  10. Meenzer


    Hasn't arrived here yet despite the doom-mongering, which is probably for the best since the trains are royally fucked anyway.
  11. And to think the rest of us mere mortals only noticed it when JawD pointed it out.
  12. I'd say we're more clingy than needy. And possibly borderline passive-aggressive.
  13. A George Foreman grill, a vegetable steamer, some electronic kitchen scales and a dumbbell tree. Rock and fucking roll.
  14. I'm completely clueless on all of the above, I'm afraid. Need to get back in touch with real music this year, I think I've been excessively gayed up
  15. Meenzer


    Cautiously optimistic about 2008. Last year was pretty good in various respects, even if it was all a bit mundane and predictable ("learning enough Swedish to finally have a passable conversation with my gran before she pops her clogs" wouldn't be everyone's idea of a crowning achievement, after all), whereas this year everything's a bit up in the air - the fella graduates in May/June, so we could frankly be living anywhere and doing anything 12 months from now. Adds a bit of spice to things I suppose. Happy new year everybody.
  16. All three channels were pretty rubbish. I suppose the argument is that you should be out having a good time instead of watching the likes of All Angels and some boring indie blokes with guitars, but even the BBC fucktards commentating on the fireworks over the Thames managed to suck all the joy out of the event. Not that you could see much through the smoke anyway.
  17. As it happens... Logic being that you can drink your own booze and see everyone's fireworks from the top of the hill, I suppose. Bollocks to that though.
  18. Friends have had the bright idea to go and sit in a park and have a picnic (?!) in the hours leading up to midnight. So we'll be staying at home and drinking the champagne we nicked from the last wedding we went to.
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