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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. If you can get it paid off before the economic shit hits the fan (so to speak), I would - far better to have a few quid less in a savings account but a guaranteed roof over your head once the banks start to struggle.
  2. We could call it 'You've Been Flamed' Complete with canned laughter track, I hope. With a montage of cremations gone wrong, accompanied by obligatory chorus from 'I'm So Excited' by the Pointer Sisters on loop. And comedy "boing!" and "wack-wack-oops" sound effects.
  3. We could call it 'You've Been Flamed' Complete with canned laughter track, I hope.
  4. That's rough like. Playing on the internet is the way forward! (The lottery, that is, not bingo. Although...)
  5. And I'm sleepless with the excitement of it all.
  6. Tickets to this year's Eurovision. Don't know if I can even go yet, but what the hell...
  7. Don't get me wrong, I'd go travelling and stuff. I'd just want something to do inbetween/afterwards. Maybe work for charidee or something like that.
  8. Me too. Well, not necessarily in this job, but I'd need a 9-to-5 routine or I'd never get out of bed. I voted "money", since that's obviously the prime consideration, though it's a useful side-effect that I happen to generally like my job.
  9. Wey it's difficult to gobble the minge when you're hermetically sealed inside a burqa. I'm reserving my judgement of Iran's stance on such "crimes" until there's a definitive conclusion to the story about those two teenage lads who were hanged for homosexual acts a few years back. Seriously upsetting story and images, but (as ever) there's conflicting tales of what actually led to their conviction, from "messing around with another bloke" through to full-blown rape. It'd be nice to know where the threshold of taking action lies, even if homosexuality is nominally illegal there. Tehran has about as extensive a gay scene as Newcastle, after all.
  10. True. Where is ChocChip these days?
  11. Never particularly liked his public persona, but he seemed decent enough once we didn't have to deal with him being on the telly all the bloody time. Plus he did a lot of work for charidee (but he doesn't like to talk about it), so fair play I guess. RIP
  12. Fresh and tastefully furnished.
  13. A bit of a retro choice here (thankfully), but still:
  14. I appear to have made the schoolboy error of buying and selling fairly regularly. Silly me.
  15. Easy win for them, scoreline irrelevant really but there'll be more than one goal in it. I may follow it from the comfort of a gym treadmill for double the punishment.
  16. Jaga Jazzist - Swedenborgske Rom There's a couple of canny free downloads (and some shite ones) here: http://www.independentonlinesolutions.com/...sson/Downloads/
  17. And what was insulting about it? It was worded "We'll give you £2m, you ugly twat".
  18. Regardless of the merits of the proposed qualification scheme, I'm not sure what makes McDonalds less of a "real" company than any other concern with a hierarchy of overpaid upper management, pen-pushing middle management and worker-ant pleb labour being ripped off at the bottom of the pile.
  19. Well it's only a short stretch of the imagination...
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