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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. We were channel-hopping late last night and caught a few minutes of "Happiness". Fella turns to me with this look on his face and simply asks "You bought the DVD of this, didn't you?". I came.
  2. I don't believe you. Especially the bit about you having a lass. I hear he "conquered" her on a brief sortie into Polish border territory.
  3. Alright, so just for interest's sake at this stage, would the first weekend of August (a) be doable for any of those who can't make it on the last weekend of July, and (not be doable for any of those who can make it on the last weekend of July? EDIT: Bloody emoticons.
  4. I was going to say, if there's that many peeps can't make it...
  5. "1616: RED CARD Birmingham And penalty to Man City. A howler from Rob Styles. An absolute stonewall howler. Franck Quedrue hauls down Benjani in the area - but Styles shows the red card to Radhi Jaidi. His linesman eventually sets Styles straight and Franck Quedrue is sent off." Papa Laz, the floor is yours...
  6. This: http://download.yousendit.com/974224257E08C4AC If I've had to suffer, everyone else should too.
  7. Do you even have an excuse for that at the time? As you would have been early 20s/late teens. Cheeky fucker. Erm, my dad bought it for me?
  8. Meenzer

    LHR T5

    I fully accept that there'll be some fuckups on the first day, including for reasons of "familiarisation" (there's only so much you can derive from trials with willing volunteers rather than actual dumb/harassed/tired/etc. passengers), but something on this scale is quite quite silly.
  9. Meenzer

    LHR T5

    We need to introduce "Staggering Incompetence" as an Olympic sport, it's our only hope of a gold in 2012. (Well, that and the freaky diving boychild.) That's assuming the Games actually happen, of course...
  10. Meenzer

    LHR T5

    Not exclusively by a long shot, but don't let that stop you from making a bad point.
  11. http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2008/02/ni...laygrounds.html http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sea/561877622.html
  12. Meenzer


    I've been meaning to compliment you on the fabulously gay profile pic, btw. Hey, it's not you who should be blushing, at least you're the one being groped rather than the one doing the groping.
  13. Meenzer


    I've been meaning to compliment you on the fabulously gay profile pic, btw.
  14. I even had the commemorative mug. Cringeworthy tbh.
  15. Hehe Its somewhere in outback Wales As was my last case of the aforementioned idiot syndrome. Llanfairfechan to be precise. Don't suppose we've been taking money off the same fools?
  16. If it's postcodes I tend to look them up on Streetmap to see if the place actually exists. I've sold items to people who couldn't spell their town name properly before.
  17. I think I wanted to be a journalist. This was before my Fop-inspired disillusionment with the profession as a whole, of course. I blame Dexter Fletcher.
  18. Meenzer


    Happy happy joy joy!
  19. Get your motor runnin' (providing you can afford £3/litre petrol) Head out on the highway (after paying the relevant tolls and stealth taxes to Father State) Lookin' for adventure (that hasn't already been crushed by overbearing Health & Safety regulations) And whatever comes our way (though legal proceedings may be instigated in the event of any particularly unexpected surprises)
  20. The pension system will be fucked by the time we retire anyway. And we'll be living under three feet of water.
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