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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Depends if you're an ITV commentator or not. Alonso's already been tried and convicted by James and Martin's merry kangaroo court.
  2. What else are Fridays for?
  3. The two HF mentions plus Innervsions are probably the best imo - from his classic 70s period. Grand, ta. I'll get my listening ears on.
  4. I feel like I should know a lot more Stevie Wonder than I do. He keeps getting covered on American Idol and I feel guilty for not recognising the songs until I'm told what they are. (And for watching American Idol, of course.)
  5. I still find myself calling albums "records" even though I grew up listening to bloody cassettes.
  6. Lurvely song. Though this is the definitive video, of course...
  7. Meenzer


    Might as well get tattoos of Monty and Maggie tbh.
  8. Aye it is, she's a little bugger. She's got one of my hats on. Just so long as he doesn't start dressing her in tracksuit tops we'll all be fine.
  9. Pet name of Dahlin, toned physique of Brolin.
  10. But you just know they cost MILLIONS OF POUNDS OF TAXPAYERS' MONEY
  11. See, there's no coming back from that, I officially win.
  12. Ooh, sorry. It's nice to know you care though.
  13. Obviously the risk with doing it later in August is that we might be playing away that weekend (), in which case a few people might be on the road. I guess. But there are enough of us non-real fans that I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem.
  14. The new £20 note is already basically a Euro for my money. If you look, the '£' sign is blatantly an 'E'. Thats just my two cents. Is this really an appropriate dime for money jokes? I'd already done one so I just thought in for a penny in for a pound. You dinar have to go that far, to be franc.
  15. Well I suppose it's one way of preparing us for the aesthetic "qualities" of the euro.
  16. I have a soft spot for unashamedly romantic-era piano concertos (Chopin, Rachmaninov and the like). That and doomy stuff à la Sibelius.
  17. Well, bits of it are. Madrid's about level with Newcastle IIRC.
  18. Meenzer


    Happy birthday old boy! One for old times' sake:
  19. Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde. Sadly overshadowed by its predecessor's many merits.
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