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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Nah, I definitely think there should be an apostrophe in there somewhere.
  2. I was with them for a while, they got shitty with the amount I was downloading and their speeds slowed up, plus they ditched supporting binary newsgroups so I moved on. downloading quality television then Pornographic television Jimbo, just how much are you downloading a month? More than a small European tax haven? Now there's a unit of measurement I haven't encountered before. "A Liechtenstein of porn".
  3. Rules. That Ninja Warriors show is class too. Anything with Stuart Hall is worth watching. EDIT: With the possible exception of Quiz Night.
  4. I'm with Plus too. Never had any problems - the package I'm on has (fairly generous) bandwidth limits from 4pm-midnight and is unlimited at all other times, and they give you ample warning when you're approaching your monthly limit. Customer service used to be a bit dodgy, but now it's much better, including online troubleshooting involving real people and all that. Plus (as mentioned) I like the fact that they just let you get on with life.
  5. Meenzer

    Drug abuse

    Watch out for wor Danny mind, I hear he's a pill fiend.
  6. I don't know what's worse, American Idol or Star Trek. Oh, and some Europe-wide annual music concert thing, but that could be anything.
  7. Leaping up to grab a sheet and smearing the poop butterfly ever wider.
  8. That's a bit harsh like, just because Walliver likes a bit of Girls Aloud...
  9. I believe you mean "being shown on Serbian TV singing along to the Latvian pirate song". Oh really? *Races off to see if the lass still has the tape* Martin, didn't you learn from Besty's mistakes Fortunately, it wasn't on the international broadcast, just some local thing captured in the queues outside the arena. Unfortunately, there's still a risk it'll end up on YouTube at some point.
  10. A fishmonger can take a shower, he's still fishy. A propos of nothing, there was this lad from the Faroe Islands in our class in year 9. Stank of fish, not even a year in the fragrant surroundings of Gosforth could shake it off.
  11. The Germans sit to piss which I still laugh about. They use tweezers to pick sweetcorn out of their shelf-toilet poo and everything. Bunch of savages.
  12. You not got a photo of Meenzer you couldve used? I'm sure he has plenty. Oh, wait...
  13. I believe you mean "being shown on Serbian TV singing along to the Latvian pirate song".
  14. Meenzer


    I don't know, but as a haiku that was severely lacking.
  15. Bratwurst squeezed between two buns?
  16. I think they're lower-case for corporate purposes too (e.g. "the adidas Group").
  17. Funny how none of it was me. And I have the proof of that from the Admin logs. Kind of funny how I have never actually locked a single thread too. Not one. Scapegoats R Kewl lolx bz x Well the forum needs its villain. [/Fop] Fop will be devastated when he finds out it's not him any more though. I fear the tantrums already. I dunno. Clearly he's still in the heats and minds of most. Ewerk even managed to drag him up in a thread devoted to Tom! And look at Luke the other day. Obsessed, the lot of you. Coming from the man who stalks ewerk around these forums like he's Agnetha from ABBA.
  18. Funny how none of it was me. And I have the proof of that from the Admin logs. Kind of funny how I have never actually locked a single thread too. Not one. Scapegoats R Kewl lolx bz x Well the forum needs its villain. [/Fop] Fop will be devastated when he finds out it's not him any more though. I fear the tantrums already.
  19. Well, his expectations were fulfilled, even if it took the best part of a year.
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