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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. No worries mate, no point in risking doing yourself some permanent damage. Besides, I'm planning on doing it next year (the run, that is, not permanent damage to my knee), so we can mince around the course together in gay abandon.
  2. Seriously I thought you actually had a brain, it appears not. You made a "general" comment that everything in the 80s was crap, I proved you and your argument wrong, now you quote shit polls and purposely miss my point about current technology. But that's ok because Bladerunner is cack. Fuck off. Mate, maybe you don't get the same kind of cobbled-together "talking head" shows we're fed in the name of entertainment over here. The whole point of them is that they're full of superficial analysis like that.
  3. So does anyone remember sweets?
  4. Meenzer


    If you hadn't had such a crap night I'd be queeny-stropping at you for that.
  5. Me too, but at least it's not a feature film.
  6. Tom would never bother with a glass I was planning on drinking it out of a moose's skull.
  7. Well they're on half-price at my local Tesco "Express" at the minute, but they seem to make up their own rules so I wouldn't go by that.
  8. In the absence of a decent chippy round here, this thread has me sorely tempted to implement a lunch/Potato Waffle fusion paradigm right now.
  9. What are the three things you're best at (quality-wise, not too specific)? Umm.. I dunno. I'm shite at talking myself up. Probably means I'll struggle to find a new job. I hate the way CVs these days have to be all about summing up your Skills Offering in a snappy paragraph and so on. Mind you, "what salary would you expect?" discussions unnerve me too, so it's possibly just the concept of 21st century work that scares me in general.
  10. Seriously, am I missing something? Surely two flavours of Dorito in one bag is just, well, two flavours in one bag? What could possibly be the point?
  11. All I know is Gosforth Chippy >>> generic Chinese takeaway on the same parade that's open a bit later so sometimes you have to even though you know it's going to be a crushing disappointment.
  12. I think Alex is your man. I promptly forgot all about this thread after many of you (esp alex) made suggestions to me, my apologies. Like I would have ever listened to anything that Patrokles suggested though. Quite funny how he took the huff re: the above btw He always was a mardly little twat. Enough pent-up anger in him to be an Ipswich whore-slayer tbh.
  13. Should have stuck yourself in the fridge
  14. That wasn't even a euphemism or anything.
  15. You're telling me. Those things chafe.
  16. Ah, Rob. The 80s were his 80s.
  17. There was that TV programme everyone watched.
  18. I'd pour myself a whisky and get stuck into Tom Waits' back catalogue.
  19. You used to get those things. You know, with that stuff.
  20. That's "dunking biscuits into cups of tea while listening to Die Ärzte" out then?
  21. Meenzer


    Happy birthday schnoogins.
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