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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Steve Ryder on the highlights just now man. I can only assume he's gone black and never wants to go back.
  2. Bumped into him at the Cocksmokers' Arms last night. He spilled my pina colada so he apologised by buying me my own microbrewery. Truly a fine example to the human race.
  3. He kind of did get an advantage though. He let Raikonnen back through but was very much in his slipstream and poised to re-overtake right away. That area of F1 law is far too open to interpretation mind.
  4. Spa + rain = always genius. Hamilton a bit lucky I suppose, but Raikkonen really can't hack it when the conditions get slippery. Very much Scary Evil Dad's Son's title to lose now.
  6. And even nine months on, this poll is still gayer than Dale Winton.
  7. If only we had a manager to stand up for him.
  8. Well aye, anyone who's daft enough to pay full whack for a "pint" of vaguely alcoholic SJP pisswater has been kidding themselves for the past 10 years anyway.
  9. I'm black too. and? He's white he talks a load of........ Why did he say he's black then? Wouldn't have been his fault if he was. Because he's not as skilled at satirising your many faults as the rest of us. Poor wee lamb. oh dear Yep, I feel sorry for him too.
  10. I'm black too. and? He's white he talks a load of........ Why did he say he's black then? Wouldn't have been his fault if he was. Because he's not as skilled at satirising your many faults as the rest of us. Poor wee lamb.
  11. You can just see llambias and cuntwise cockney spivved with outrage "Oo the fackin 'ell das ee fink ee is " The cockney wanks need chasing out of fucking town, or are people happy with what they've done to our club and one of it's best loved legends? We could have gone on to great things with Keegan running the show, now we've got to put up with these pricks labeling Keegan as a 'Bottler' and making all the fans look like spineless whingers. That's the thing. Any other manager they could have portrayed as clueless and out-of-touch - even Robson, since Fat Freddie managed as much with his undeniably limited brain capacity - but rightly or wrongly, you just don't fuck with Keegan. That's what I suspect (and hope) is going to be their downfall in the end.
  12. Right now I'm buying the theory that Keegan was brought in purely to get the fans on board and that AshleyCo. didn't realise what they were getting themselves into by employing arguably (?) the most important man in the club's recent history. Keegan might have expected more than mere "progress" within the first twelve months, regardless of the fundamentally conservative financial statements to that extent, but I don't think that makes his response to the situation any less understandable. He might not be a Geordie through-and-through in Stevie's Aryan-esque definition of the term, but his brain definitely functions like that of the average, rational, normal St. James'-going male, and that's what makes AshleyCo.'s misreading of the situation all the more galling. Gah. I don't know where I stand any more. I just figure that if you're going to blame Keegan, you might as well blame each and every one of us for buying into the Keegan Returns persona in the first place. We (and he) probably knew it was destined to end in tears one way or another, but that it was worth the journey all the same. The fact that it's ended an awful lot earlier than any of us hoped it would is just another lesson that we all should learn from - and probably won't.
  13. I bet you've had that joke stored up for ages ! Nah. It doesn't even hold water if you think about it too much. So hush please.
  14. I've got a vision of 50,000 grown men singing happy songs while staring at a row of bloke's arses. I'm in.
  15. Now starring as Mr. Red in a new production of Reservoir Mongs...
  16. Jonny man, I just want to come over and give you a big gay hug tonight. And I mean that in a totally non-gay way. Or something.
  17. I need to get a turntable too, still hanging on to loads of old stuff that I should probably have got rid of a long time ago, but there's nothing quite like giving scratchy old records a spin. (There's probably an innuendo in there too, isn't there?) Meanwhile: Jimmy Nail - Big River. I'm feeling reasonably maudlin tonight.
  18. Wonder if they include travel.... Aye. With the official travel club. No alcohol (except for the owner).
  19. What you been doing? blowing dust off your vinal or something? That's rather a personal question, if you don't mind me saying so. I do actually have the single of that bloody song, mind. Picked it up in a charity shop years later, in my defence. Not much of a defence really...
  20. Gosh. Have they employed a proofreader for once? It almost reads like English.
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