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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer

    Sir Cliff

    No shame in that. I had the same option available to me in the glory days of '86 and ended up buying Chas and Dave's "Snooker Loopy". * * Of course I was manipulated into doing so.
  2. Meenzer

    Sir Cliff

    That's because he was trying to manipulate the charts to get a number 1 record in 6 consecutive decades. But he failed. Ha ha. Do you honestly think the charts have ever been anything but a master-class in manipulation since the moment they were invented? Do you honestly think that every single week of the charts since 1952 has been grossly manipulated?
  3. So old I've probably already posted it in this thread somewhere. But I don't care.
  4. Mind you, I suppose it's not too different to Shearer's reasoning for not taking the plunge (meedja whoring aside).
  5. Justyna Steczkowska - Ĺšpiewaj "Yidl mitn Fidl"
  6. The Collings and Herrin (sic), Adam and Joe and Stephen Fry podcasts are all worth signing up for, in my humble one. Ditto Radio 4's Friday Night Comedy, though there isn't a regular addition to that one at the minute. Guardian Football Weekly is canny too. Despite the name, there are usually two a week (I think). I presume you can sign up for it as a podcast, I tend to just download the mp3 directly as there's always a link in their daily football mailout.
  7. Yeah, exactly. Either he'll have passed or his car will have been speared by a clownmobile or something.
  8. Meenzer

    Sir Cliff

    That's because he was trying to manipulate the charts to get a number 1 record in 6 consecutive decades. But he failed. Ha ha.
  9. Delighting the stoners and boring the pants off the sober at the great gig in the sky. RIP fella.
  10. The name alone made me think of this.
  11. Can I ask one too? Does "ouch" count as an opinion? Homophobe.
  12. This surely the first time someone has used that word on Toontastic
  13. I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.
  14. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...-landslide.html Ouch.
  15. Latest in a long line I fear. Can only really see the big national airlines and Ryanair/EasyJet coming out of this one relatively unscathed.
  16. I see your Bees and raise you some fire I raise you avram grant and john terry I raise you up to more than you can be
  17. I'm getting a back, sack 'n' crack for Jonny and Steve's pleasure on Saturday anyway, so count me in. Oh, wait, facial hair you say...
  18. Copy a space from somewhere and use ctrl+V?
  19. There's a decent chance I won't be around for whatever date you end up picking, whereas last time it was a tie-in with the summer pissup so the humiliation was worth the effort. If I'm in town when it happens, though, I'll holler.
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