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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Eleven men against ten men and Ameobi then.
  2. His eyes are dim, he cannot see.
  3. I may pop along depending on how the rest of today goes. Whereaboots at Liverpool Street? Didn't think of that bit. I'll PM you my mobile number, it's probably easiest. (No SMO-style cock pics though, I promise.)
  4. Right. Us cool kids in the thread title are meeting at Liverpool Street at 7.30-ish and taking it from there (). If anyone else wants in, you're more than welcome.
  5. Stevie so desperate not to be a specky cunt that he'd rather go blind and be a lousy fan than have a backup pair for moments like this. Class.
  6. Yeah, but his dad could beat up your dad!
  7. Alright, gents and gentesses - how's about seeking out somewhere central for the match tomorrow night?
  8. Do you still think I don't have the power to grow one? Reverse psychology, my dear boy. You ain't woman enough to be my man either.
  9. Now that's a cultural legacy the city can be proud of.
  10. Time for the worst excuse ever: I get really bad asthma when I let my facial hair grow for more than a few days. Seriously. I am a rubbish excuse for a human being. But naturally I'll be happy to donate to anyone who's willing to make themselves look like a pillock for a good cause.
  11. Good stuff. Give my regards to the O-Feuer team and tell them the British poofs are invading next month for a long overdue taramasalata, kleftiko and acidic wine overdose.
  12. That's an open invitation to get ye sel doon the Reiperbahn It means breaking all those promises I made to mesel. Trying to cut down on your 3am Hesburger intake, eh? Still stand by Burger King. Like the very classiest ladies of St. Pauli.
  13. That's an open invitation to get ye sel doon the Reiperbahn It means breaking all those promises I made to mesel. Trying to cut down on your 3am Hesburger intake, eh?
  14. Aw man. If you're 30 then I must be 30 soon. Fancy a celebratory game of Subbuteo some time soon?
  15. More or less. And worse still, now that I've finally installed and formatted the thing (turns out it was just a dodgy pin on the Molex/SATA adapter - god bless modern technology), I fully intend to use the space to start making more and more beautiful music of my own.
  16. You're telling me. It was yellow and everything.
  17. Meenzer


    Let me know how it goes. It certainly beats brewing beer in a bucket.
  18. Didn't several of us have Tim Krul on MSN for a while?
  19. I used to lurve her like. Appeared on the cover of the dodgy 8-/16-bit computer game "Barbarian" alongside Wolf from Gladiators. What more can you ask of a career?
  20. Along the same sort of lines I saved a penalty from Gazza when I was at one of those 'Soccer Skills' things they used to hold at Gateshead Stadium in half-term.. Knew very little about it - the bastid fired it straight at my gut... Whereas all he did to my gut when I was a wee lad was buy me a pint at the Rupali. I was doomed from the start.
  21. Aye, Andy Bell's been HIV positive since 1998 apparently. I think even I'd do Pink, just for the experience. And the gay discotheque street-cred, natch. As for my glorious avatar, who could resist those cheekbones?
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