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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Portuguese ref too, IIRC. What a lovely combination.
  2. I think the bar at the Irish Pub in Mainz still has dents in it from when the winner went in.
  3. Yeah but the Secretary of State for Health and Joseph Stiglitz are on mine. "Yates and Keats are on mine:. I've got Nye Bevan on my Facebook.
  4. http://www.givemefootball.com/premier-leag...hould-be-sacked What I mean is we asked what he was really like to work for and he refused to say. Fair enough. It's not like you couldn't have worked it out from his comments at the time, mind: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ted/4443365.stm But aye, good on him for keeping his trap shut now, anyway.
  5. http://www.givemefootball.com/premier-leag...hould-be-sacked
  6. Hell, I'll draw you one myself in Paint if it spares me a night of bumlurve with Limahl and a forum blind date.
  7. Millwall. But then I knew that already. I quite fancy going along to a game some time actually. As for my actual second team, Mainz have survived the departure of superhero manager Jürgen Klopp (formerly of my avatar) and are currently top of the second flight. Fingers crossed for a return to the big boys' league, but there's a long way to go yet (obviously).
  8. Surely this is the right time for him to resurrect his music career.
  9. You stop shopping at Penny, for a start.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7724274.stm
  11. If you're serving burgers or kebabs, you're going to have lettuce and tomatoes in stock anyway. Whoopee.
  12. What indeed? Fop > Expert in field > Everyone else. That is the accepted hierarchy on here. Fop will now confirm this by quoting my post and saying "You're so right ". You're not though. Does that mean I'm even more wrong than you usually think I am? I'm so foncused.
  13. Hey, we donated! Actually, having seen both your cumcatcher and Brock's beard IN ACTUAL REAL LIFE recently, there could be a seriously entertaining velcro effect there. Go for it.
  14. What indeed? Fop > Expert in field > Everyone else. That is the accepted hierarchy on here. Fop will now confirm this by quoting my post and saying "You're so right ".
  15. I have it in HD. So kiss my face! Don't fall for it, Brockles. It itches!
  16. Aye, good luck to him. And keep checking your boys, boys!
  17. Mind you, that's true in Forrun as well, so it still comes back to our drinking culture.
  18. He texted me something about long walks. Typo. Mind, if I were a cheap date, I certainly wouldn't pick an Irish pub in Germany.
  19. Kristall would definitely be my drink of choice on a night out in Jormany. Tastes a bit strange over here, but that's no doubt all in the head. Speaking of beer, don't suppose you fancy doing the Finnegans pub quiz this Sunday? Ha ha! What time? Think it kicks off about 8-8.30. Mind you, last time we were in town it was off because they were showing the Rugby World Cup, so I'm still waiting for confirmation that there isn't some grand hurling or shinty final on the box instead.
  20. Kristall would definitely be my drink of choice on a night out in Jormany. Tastes a bit strange over here, but that's no doubt all in the head. Speaking of beer, don't suppose you fancy doing the Finnegans pub quiz this Sunday?
  21. I owe her a Facebook message, as it happens. Thanks for the reminder. She's good. "Same as ever" would be an over-simplification, but not wildly inaccurate.
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